Chapter 46

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TW: Problems with eating

Date: Wednesday, May 4th

Hunter and Lizzy visited Sophia earlier today and they told her conner was going to come by to see her sometime later today. Sophia could not contain her excitement to finally see her boyfriend. At the moment Sophia was just scrolling through tiktok to just pass the time.

*Knock Knock*

Sophia looked up to see who was at that door.

"Hey, Soph."

"Conner," Sophia yelled with excitement. She would have jumped out of the bed and run to hug him but she had wires everywhere and couldn't.

"I brought you something," Conner said with something hiding behind his back.

"No you didn't have to," Sophia said, pouting.

"Oh but I did and you will love it," Conner said walking closer to her bed.

"Ok. What is it?"

Conner pulled out what he was hiding behind his back and Sophia's eyes immediately lit up.

"You did not," She said in disbelief.

"I did," Conner said smiling.

"I can't believe you remembered," Sophia said.

"Of course I did. I mean I'm pretty sure anyone knows that this is your favorite dessert," Conner said.

He handed her the bowl which was a scoop of Double Chocolate Chip ice cream from Graeter's. Ice Cream is Sophia's favorite dessert and she only likes it from Graeter's.

"Also fun fact, I work at Graters now so I can always get you free Ice Cream," Conner said, smiling at her.

"Thank you so much, Conner. You are literally my favorite person in the whole world right now," Sophia said and took a spoonful of the ice cream and shoved it into her mouth.

Conner laughed and said, "Really? I'm pretty sure your brother is your favorite person in the world."

"Nope. Luke is second since he didn't get me Ice Cream like you did," Sophia said.

"Yeah well, I don't think Luke will be too happy after he finds out what I gave you," Conner said.

Conner grabbed a napkin and wiped Sophia's mouth for her since she had Ice cream all over her face like she was a 5-year-old. Conner found it absolutely adorable though.

All of a sudden they both heard, "Why wouldn't I be happy with you Conner?"

Both Sophia and Conner turned their heads to the door where Luke and Micheal were standing.

"Oh um," Conner stuttered. He doesn't know why but he all of sudden felt intimidated by Luke standing there in his scrubs. He never realized how tall Luke actually was until just now.

Sophia came to Conners's rescue and said, "Look he got me Double chocolate Chip Ice crema from my favorite ice cream store."

Luke and Michael just chuckled. Sophia really does love Ice cream more than anything.

"Damn, I should have known the way to actually get her to eat something was to get her ice cream," Luke mumbled.

Conners's phone went off and he looked at it.

"Sorry, Soph that was my mom. I have to leave now. I will text you later," Conner said.

"Bye Conner," Sophia said and conner walked out of the room.

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