Chapter 30

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Date: Friday, April 1st

"Luke, I'm just letting you know that Hunter will be with me today for chemo. Also, his brother is taking me to school and he has kindly agreed to also drive us to the hospital after school. so you don't have to worry about me. Ok bye," Sophia said not even looking at Luke or Sierra, and walked straight out the front door.

Sierra looked over at Luke who looked disappointed.

"Are you ok?" Sierra asked Luke.

"What? Oh, uh yeah, I'm fine," Luke said.

The truth was he was not fine. Sophia didn't even look at him. She didn't say good morning or that she loved him. He could sense something was off with her but he just couldn't tell what.

"Babe, I can tell you're not," Sierra said, sadly.

"I just think there's something off with her. Like I know my baby sister. The way she has been acting just started out of nowhere which isn't normal," Luke said, looking at Sierra.

"Luke, remember that she is a teenager. Teenagers act like this," Sierra said trying to stop her husband from spiraling.

"Yeah, I know. That's what Ashton said. I feel like there's something more to it but maybe not. I will try and push that thought away. She is a teenager like you all say. Anyway. You know what I need?" Luke said smirking at her.

"What?" Sierra said raising an eyebrow.

"I need a night that it's just you and me. No distractions," Luke said walking over to Sierra.

"So like a date night?" Sierra questioned him with a smirk.

"Yes exactly. What about tomorrow night?" Luke said now wrapping his arms around Sierra's waist.

"What about Sophia?" Sierra asked.

"She can go stay the night with Michael and Crystal. She and Michael have had a bumpy relationship since he became her doctor so they need some normal bonding time," Luke said, looking down at sierra.

"Ok. That sounds perfect," Sierra said.

"It's a date," Luke said and kissed Sierra on the cheek and then stepped away from Sierra. He grabbed his ID badge and his keys off the table.

"Luke Hemmings you are such a tease," Sierra said giggling.

"I know. See you later babe," Luke said, smirking, and then walked out the door.


Sophia has been hooked up to chemo for about 45 minutes. She and Hunter had just been chatting about random things.

"We have to go to the water park soon so I can force you down the water slide again," Sophia said laughing.

"No way in hell. I almost pooped my pants the last time you did that," Hunter said, shaking his head.

Before Sophia could say anything Hunter's phone started to ring.

"Oh sorry, Sophia. I have to go take this phone call. I will be right back," Hunter said standing up.

Hunter walked out of the room. Sophia sat in silence for about 3 minutes when someone came stumbling into the room and almost fell to the floor. It was like someone pushed them.

Sophia looked up and immediately started to smile.

"Ok I don't know how to ask this," the person said starting to shake from nerves.

"," the person took a deep breath and then said, "Sophia Hemmings will you make me the happiest first baseman and go to spring formal with me? You don't have to if you don't want to. Shit. I shouldn't have even asked you," the person said and started to walk out of the room.

"Conner don't be silly. I of course would love to go with you," Sophia said with a wide smile.

Conner turned around shocked and said, "Really?"

"Well duh. I don't have a date and you seem like a fun person to go with," Sopia said blushing.

"Yes," Someone yelled and ran into the room.

"Hunter, what the heck? Did you really have a phone call?" Sophia asked laughing.

"No, It was just an excuse to let Conner come in here himself. I had to push him because he was being such a wimp," Hunter said.

"I was not being a wimp," Conner said, whining a little.

"Mhm sure buddy," Conner said, laughing.


"No way! Sophia, you are not going," Luke said, sternly.

"Why not?" Sophia said, whining.

"Because it's the day after your chemo. You might get sick. It's just not safe. I'm sorry," Luke said, calmly.

"Please. If Mikey says I can go then can I?" Sophia said.

"Sophia Hemmings I said no and that means no. End of discussion," Luke said, sternly.

"Lucas," Sophia said angrily.

"Sophia Rose Hemmings you are on thin ice. You know I hate that name so do not call me that again," Luke said, trying to keep his cool.

"Whoa ok. This is getting out of hand. I may have a solution," Sierra said walking into the room. She was in the kitchen and heard everything.

"What if I chaperone at the spring formal. So if anything happens I will be there. If Sophia starts to get sick I will bring her home immediately," Sierra said looking between Luke and Sophia.

"I don't know," Luke said, not completely convinced that it was a good idea.

Sophia's whole attitude changed which was very odd to Luke and Sierra but they didn't think anything of it.

"Please Lukey. I promise if I start getting sick I will tell Sierra right away and I will listen to whatever she says we should do. Please just let me go," Sophia said with pleading eyes.

Against Luke's better judgment because that's just how much his sister means to him he agreed to let her go.

"Thank you," Sophia said and then walked upstairs.

"I...what was that? She didn't give me a hug or say I love you," Luke said, sadly.

"I don't know babe. Don't think too much into it," Sierra said walking over to Luke.

"I love you," Sierra said and kissed Luke.

"I love you so much more," Luke said wrapping his arms around his wife and kissing her back.

Except there was this thought in the back of Luke's mind that something was going on with Sophia and that he should do something about it but he pushed it away. Like everyone said it's probably just her being a teenager.

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