Chapter 17

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Date: Monday, March 14th

Sierra was still in the hospital but she should be getting out tomorrow. She got really lucky that Crystal overheard Leslie talk about her plan and Calum was able to get the treatment started right away because if they waited just 10 more minutes Sierra wouldn't have made it.

Luke was sitting next to Sierra's hospital bed while they were watching some random show on the small TV.

Luke has been thinking about asking this one question to Sierra for weeks but hasn't found the right time to do it. He decided that there will never be a good time and he doesn't want to wait any longer.

"Sierra I have something I want to say," Luke said, nervously. She looked over at him and he continued while pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, "I wrote this poem. It's not really that great but I want to share it with you."

He opened up the piece of paper and started reading, "I wanna hold your hair when you drink too much. Carry you home when you cannot stand up. You did all these things for me when I was half a man for you. I wanna hold your hand while we're growing up. But I'll build a house out of the mess and all the broken pieces. I'll make up for all of your tears. I'll give you the best years. I promise, darling, you won't regret the best years."

Luke looked up and saw tears in Sierra's eyes. She was about to say something but Luke beat her to it.

"Sierra, we have known each other for 3 years. You have been with me through everything. When I found out my mom was diagnosed with cancer for the second time you were there. When my mom died you were there. I was a mess back then but you still stuck by me. When my dad left you were there for me and Sophia. When I found out Sophia had cancer you stayed with me that entire night and listened to me even though I know your heart was breaking too," Luke said and took a pause for a second and then continued, "With all of this uncertainty going on in my life, the only thing I am certain about is my love for you," Luke said looking up at her.

He then got down on one knee, pulled out a ring, and asked, "Sierra Deaton, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"


Sophia was going to see Ashton today. Luke was forcing her but what she isn't going to admit is that she secretly wanted to talk to him anyway. She just wants everyone to think she is ok when really she was breaking on the inside.

"I see you got your cast off," Ashton said after he opened the door of his office for Sophia to walk in.

"Yes I did," She said and gave him a half-smile which didn't go unnoticed by Ashton.

Ashton walked over to his chair while Sophia sat down on the couch.

"Is everything ok?" Ashton asked her.

"No. I'm upset that I can't do Gymnastics anymore. Gymnastics is or I should say was my whole life. It was the one thing I did with my mom. I only shared it with her and no one else in my family. When she died anytime I missed her I just did gymnastics and I felt better. I felt closer to her. Now that I can't do it anymore I just feel like I've completely lost her. It's like she died all over again and it hurts so much."

"Soph, just because you can't do gymnastics anymore doesn't mean she isn't still a part of you. She is right there in your heart," Ashton pointed at her heart, "She is also part of your DNA. She will always be a piece of you. She is always watching over you."

Ashton could tell that something else was bothering her though so he decided to push her, "Sophia what else is on your mind?"

"Ashton, I am scared. I don't want to die. I'm not ready. There are so many things that I haven't gotten to do yet. I'm only 15. I want to graduate high school. I want to graduate from college. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to be an aunt. I can't do any of that if cancer kills me," She took a quick breath and continued, "How is Luke going to afford all of my treatments? I bet it's expensive and he doesn't have the money. He still has to pay off his student loans for med school. My treatment shouldn't even be his responsibility it should be my dad's. I want my dad. I hate that he left but I just want him back. I want him to hug me and tell me that I am going to be ok," Sophia finished her rant. She was sobbing by the end. She was also nearing a panic attack.

Ashton quickly jumped in to calm her down. He kneeled down in front of her.

"Hey hey Sophia look at me," he said softly. She looked up at him with glossy eyes. "Take a deep breath. It's going to be ok. Relax. First of all, don't worry about the cost. Luke will do anything to make sure he can afford the treatment. The guys and I will help him so you do not need to worry about that. Secondly, I hate that your dad left you but last I heard Luke was helping Ben look for him. Hopefully, they will find him soon. Lastly, you know Michael is going to do everything he can to make sure you do not die. He is the top child oncologist in the country so you are in the best hands possible. What I need for you to do is not stress yourself out so much. You have me, Calum, Michael, Crystal, Luke, Sierra, and Ben all by your side and here for you. As well as your friends once you tell them."

Sophia started to relax a little and said, "But Ashton, I'm still scared."

"That's understandable. You are only in the beginning stages and your odds look good at the moment so I suggest just living in the present and don't worry about the future."


Sophia was walking to Sierra's room after her session with Ashton. She was feeling so much better. She was going to take his advice and just live in the present and not worry about the future.

She was outside the door when she heard, "Sierra Deaton, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

Oh my gosh, Luke is asking Sierra to marry him, I've been waiting for this day for months.

Sophia poked her head to see what Sierra's reaction was. Sierra was crying and smiling.

"Yes I will Luke Hemmings," She said. Luke put the ring on her finger and they kissed.

Sophia ran into the room and said, "Yay mom and dad are getting married. I've been waiting for this day."

Luke looked at her funny while Sierra laughed.

Luke asked, "Mom and Dad?"

Sophia giggled and said, "Yes. You are like the parental figures in my life so I sometimes see you guys like my mom and dad. That's not weird is it?"

"No sunshine it's not. You just caught me off guard," Luke said laughing.

"Anyway, Congrats on the engagement big bro. I am so glad you finally grew a pair and asked her. I thought you would never do it," Sophia said walking over to him.

Luke grabbed her and pulled her into him so that her back was facing his chest.

"I don't know if I should be offended but thanks baby sis," Luke said. Sophia just smiled.

Sierra then looked at Sophia who was still in Luke's arms and asked, "Soph, do you want to be my maid of honor?"

Sophia screamed and said, "oops sorry for that. But yes I would love to."

Luke and Sierra laughed at her reaction. 

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