Chapter 45

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Date: Tuesday, May 3rd

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Sophia asked looking at Michael when he and Luke walked in.

"Ok, this might sound scary to you and that is entirely normal for people who have been through what you went through. Your heart stopped but I was able to get you back obviously. Except you were in a coma for 17 days. You seem fine to me now but I am going to keep you hospitalized for the next 3 days just to monitor you."

"Coma? What the fuck? So basically I died and was brought back to life", Sophia thought

Sophia looked over at Luke and she noticed his bloodshot red eyes and that he had bags under his eyes. She immediately looked away from him. Which didn't go unnoticed from Luke.

She thought about the conversation she had with her mom. It felt so real like she was actually here. Even though it technically wasn't she is still believing that it was real.

Sophia immediately felt guilty. Luke was probably so worried about her and she knew for a fact Ashton told him why she was treating Luke the way she was and that makes her feel even more horrible.

Luke looked over at Michael and basically that look told Michael that he should leave. They were both trying to get Sophia's attention for the last 5 minutes but they could tell she was deep in thought.

Luke walked over to the left side of Sophia's bed and sat down in the chair.

"Sophia, I'm worried about you. Ashton told me why you were acting the way you did. I just want to know what's going on inside your head. I want to be here for you. I want to be the one you talk to."

Luke's words took Sophia out of her trance. She looked up and saw that Michael wasn't there anymore and it was just her and Luke.

Luke took a deep breath before saying with the softest voice, "Soph, please just talk to me."

That seemed to be all Sophia needed to hear before she broke down crying.

"Luke, I am so sorry for treating you the way I did. I don't know why I did it, to be honest. Well, actually I do. I thought I was saving you from pain. I wanted that to be my last gift to you," Sophia said with her voice cracking.

Luke had tears in his eyes and said, "Sophia, you do not have to protect me from anything. I am a grown adult who can take care of myself. You on the other hand are just a child. My baby sister. You can't handle this diagnosis and treatment alone. I don't want you to. I am here for you. Please let me be there for you."

"But Luke..." Sophia was about to say something but Luke cut her off, "No Sophia. Do not say it. I know you don't like people being worried about you but I am going to be and there's nothing you can do or say that will change that. I love you too much and I will do anything to make sure you are safe and healthy."

"That's what mom said," Sophia said, chuckling a little while wiping her tears away from her eyes.

Luke looked at her confused and said, "what?"

"Oh when I was...well I guess I was in the coma I was in a field of flowers. I was so confused as to why I was there but it was super pretty and I felt safe and comfortable. Anyway, I'm just going to cut this story short and spare the details. I ran into mom and we talked. She told me that she isn't disappointed in me for not being able to do gymnastics. She is proud of me for just being me Luke," Sophia said, smiling so wide that made Luke smile at her.

Luke was thinking, a lot of people in comas tend to go to places of comfort so it makes sense that her subconsciousness would have her see mom.

Sophia continued, "we also talked about you. That was a long conversation but in the end she made me realize that pushing you away was the wrong thing to do and that everything you do is for my safety and health. I also realized that I shouldn't push you away because I'm not scared to admit it anymore but I need you. I need my big brother and my best friend back."

Luke was sort of lost in thought but he still heard what Sophia was saying. However, what she said next caught him off guard
"Itsy bitsy."

Luke was shocked and said, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Ugh I said I was in a field of flowers..."

"No, I heard that part. what was the last thing you said?"

"Weren't you listening to me?" Sophia asked with some sassiness but then continued, "I said that mom told me to tell you when I wake up, I'm so happy that you have found your soulmate. I approve of her. Can't wait to meet her one day. Thank you for taking care of your baby sister for me. You are doing a wonderful job. I love you so much, itsy bitsy."

Luke immediately started crying. There was no way Sophia would have known that nickname since their mom only called him that up until the age of 8. Luke just thought it was Sophia talking to her subconscious but maybe she wasn't? They will honestly never know since life is full of crazy things.

Luke immediately pulled Sophia in for a hug and started crying on her shoulder. She figured out that the nickname must have a huge meaning to Luke. So she started to comfort him.

After a few minutes Luke pulled away and started to wipe his tears away and said, "I am supposed to be the one comforting you, not the other way around."

Sophia said, "Actually we are supposed to comfort each other since that's what siblings are supposed to do but Luke what does it mean if you don't mind me asking?"

"When I was in elementary school I was super small for my age. Yeah I know shocker since I'm a giant now," Luke said.
No you're not a giant, you are a giraffe," Sophia said giggling.

"Haha very funny but every single night before bed up until I was about 8 we would sing that nursery rhyme together. It was my favorite one."

"Aww that is so cute," Sophia said and then started to do the hand motions and sang, "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout."

Luke went along and did the hand movements as well and sang, "Down came the rain, and washed the spider out."

Sophia sang, "Up came the sun, and dried up all the rain."

Luke finished singing, "and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again."

They both looked at each other and smiled.

"What was my favorite nursery rhyme?"

Luke thought for a moment and then said, "twinkle twinkle little star. Either mom or I had to sing it to you every single night . You wouldn't go to sleep otherwise. Dad, Ben and Jack couldn't because you refused but between you and me I think it was because neither of them can sing."

"Yeah I'm sure that was it," Sophia laughed.

Luke missed her laugh. He missed just being able to talk with her. He's so excited that she is finally talking to him again. He will never let her push him away like she was again.

"Luke, I haven't said this in probably weeks and I am so sorry but I love you so much and I really do appreciate everything you do for me," Sophia said looking at him.

"I love you so much more, Sophia and I always will. I just want you to remember I will always be here if you need me. I am not going anywhere I promise."

"I can't move out of this bed with all of these wires, can you come lay down with me so we can cuddle? Please?" Sophia said to Luke with her puppy dog eyes.

"I will never say no to cuddling with my baby sister," Luke said while pulling down the bar that was on the bed so that there would be more room for the both of them to lay down.

As soon as Luke laid down next to her she put her head on his chest. She felt safe. She felt loved and more importantly she felt like she was at home.

"I love you, sunshine."

"I love you, moonlight."

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