Chapter 47

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*Time Jump: 4 weeks*

Date: Thursday, June 1st

Sophia was released from the hospital two weeks ago. She still struggles to eat but it's getting better. Michael started her chemo back up last week.

"I have to do what?" Sophia said upset.

"Sophia you heard me," Luke said sighing.

"No, I'm not going. I refuse," Sophia said.

"Soph, you have to," Luke said.

"No. Luke, please don't make me," She said on the verge of tears.

Luke just told Sophia that next week they have to go to the trial for Dr. Amber. Luke knew she wasn't going to be happy about it. Especially since the last time, she went to court a few years ago was for something horrible that happened to her. It wasn't a good experience for her or anyone.

"Soph," Luke said softly.

"No, I can't. I can't do it," Sophia backed up from Luke and hit the wall. She now had tears falling down her face.

"Last time I went was for Dr. Ford. His lawyer made me feel like I was fucking crazy. I almost believed them that I was crazy. That was also when I lost...When I lost," At this point, she was now sitting on the ground full-on sobbing, "When I lost one of my brothers. He fucking believed Dr. Ford and thought he was innocent. He fucking believed his best friend over his little sister and then had the nerve when Dr. Ford was found guilty to come to me and apologize like I would forgive him for the way he treated me."

Sophia quickly looked up at Luke and said, "Please tell me that you didn't tell Ben about Dr. Amber. I don't need to lose another brother. Oh god, Ben is going to be just like Jack and think I'm..." She got cut off by Luke.

"No Sophia stop it right now," Luke said while kneeling down in front of her, "Ben is nothing like Jack. I promise. I have already told him and he wanted to come home immediately from being undercover but I told him not to. Jack is an absolute idoit. He clearly missed the signs of that doctor abusing you because we could all see it. It was clear as day. Soph, that trial is in the past now. This is a new trial. I will be there, the guys will be there and so will Sierra. All you have to do when you are on the stand is tell the truth of what happened that's it."

"But Luke, it's so scary being up there. The lawyers always try to twist your words."

"I know, but that's just them doing their job. You just have to think about what you say and try not to fall into their trap but that's not really up to you. Our Lawyer will make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible."

"Ok but I'm still scared."

"I know, what if we make a deal? You just give me a signal when it gets to be too much and I will have Michael say we need a 5-minute break for him to check on you since you are going through chemo so we can say he needs to make sure you aren't having any side effects. Does that sound good?"

"I guess so, but you guys will be there the whole time?"

"Yes, I am not leaving that court room unless you are with me."

"Ok, I guess I can try to do it. She needs to go to jail for what she did or the very least lose her medical license."

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