Chapter 23

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Date: Wednesday, March 23rd

Today Lizzy, Hunter, and Conner would not leave Sophia's side. She wasn't sure why but she also didn't question it. It was the last class of the day and she got a text from Luke.

Big Bro: Ashton will be picking you up. I got caught up with a patient.

Well, I guess Ashton will be picking me up today.

Sophia walks outside and sees Ashton waiting for her.

"How was school today?" Ashton asked her as soon as she got in.

"It was fine. How has your job been today?" She asked while smiling at him.

"It's ok. You know some days are tougher than others. Anyway, how have you been lately?" Ashton asked her.

"I've been fine. I have taken your advice and am just living one day at a time."

"Really? That's the first time you have taken any of my advice," Ashton said, looking at her.

'Well that was good advice you gave unlike the other times," Sophia said, joking.

"Ouch, that hurt my ego," Ashton said, laughing at her. He knew she was only kidding.

"Anyway, Luke called me last night. He was concerned because you didn't want to hang out with him. I said he shouldn't worry but would you want to tell me why?"

"Uh umm well that was nothing against him. I-,"  Sophia started to say.

Should I tell him that I was writing a song for Luke's wedding? I mean maybe he could help me finish it.

Ashton looked at her waiting for her to finish what she was going to say.

"Ashton promise me if I tell you what I was doing you won't tell Luke?"

"I promise," Ashton said but he wasn't sure if he should be concerned.

"Ok, so I am writing a song that my band can perform at Luke's wedding. I was writing lyrics down in my notebook when Luke walked in. I didn't want him to see and I also kicked him out because I was in the zone of writing and didn't want him to be in the room."

"Omg Sophia that is so cute. Luke will absolutely love that," Ashton said smiling at her.

"Yeah but I'm having some trouble finishing the song," Sophia said sounding defeated.

"Show me what you have."

Sophia pulls out her notebook and turns it to the page she was writing on. Ashton took the notebook from her hands and read it over for a few minutes.

"Right here you could say, You set me free. You and I together is more than chemistry. Love me as I am," Ashton said.

"Oh, my gosh Ashton you are a genius. I love that. Thank you so much," Sophia said.

"No problem. I used to want to be a singer when I was in high school but decided I would be better at being a therapist instead."

"Well, you are a good therapist."

"Speaking of, do you want to tell me why you keep calling Michael, Dr. Clifford? Soph, he feels like he did something to upset you."


Sophia bursts into Michale's office. She didn't knock or give him any warning that she was coming in.

"Mikey," Sophia said or more like yelled.

Michale literally almost fell out of his seat because she scared the living daylights out of him. He looked up at her but before he could say anything she continued.

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