Chapter 29

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Date: Wednesday, March 30th

"Can Sierra be with me today for chemo?" Sophia asked looking at Luke.

"You don't want Luke to be with you?" Sierra asked.

Sierra was shocked, but Luke wasn't after the fight they had last night.

"That's fine with me as long as Sierra's ok with it," Luke said, shrugging.

"Yeah that's fine," Sierra said.

Sophia knows that Luke probably thinks she doesn't want him because she is mad at him which is partly true but the other part of the truth is she doesn't want him to think that she is a baby. She wants him to think she doesn't need him and that she is strong and brave. Even though that is not true at all. She needs Luke. She is fucking terrified but will never admit it. 


Luke, Ashton, and Michael were walking into the hospital.

"Sierra will be with Sophia today," Luke said to Michael.

"Really? She doesn't want you?" Michael asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I guess she is still mad at me for what happened last night. I just don't get her perspective. The rules I put in place are for her safety," Luke said.

"From my experience Luke, teenagers hate being told what to do. That doesn't mean what she said to you was right because it wasn't but you have to remember not only is she a teenager she is also going through chemo which causes her to be moodier most likely," Ashton said.

"Yeah. I'm just not used to her acting like this. I just hope it doesn't get worse because if she starts to hate me I don't think I will be able to handle it," Luke said truthfully.

"It's going to be ok, Luke. I promise," Ashton said, patting his back.

"Yeah, We are all here for you and Sophia, buddy," Michael said.

"Thanks, guys," Luke said.


"I can't believe he just got so angry at me for not telling him. I was with Michael for crying out loud, I was safe. Nothing happened" Sophia said whining to Hunter. Lizzy was home sick today.

Hunter wasn't sure if she knew about the guys that are after her dad but he sure wasn't going to be the one to tell her. If she didn't know then he knows why Luke was acting the way he did but Sophia doesn't.

"I don't know why he acted like that Soph, but I know Luke loves you and everything he does is just to make sure you are safe," Hunter said.

Sophia was not expecting Hunter to take Luke's side.

"Ugh don't be on his side you are supposed to be on mine," She said.

Hunter wanted to tell her, that she needed to look at Lukes's perspective. He is responsible for her which is a huge responsibility. It has to be difficult and then add on top of that a cancer diagnosis but he's doing the best he can. But he could sense Sophia doesn't want a lecture right now.

"Sorry. I am not taking his side. I am on yours 100%. I'm sorry he is acting like this. Hopefully, he won't treat you like a little kid much longer," Hunter said, shutting his locker and turning to look at Sophia.

"He better not," Sophia said also closing her locker.

"Let's get to Mr. Styles's class," Hunter said.


"Have I said before that I really hate needles?" Sophia asked Crystal, Sierra, and Michael.

"Yes, soph. You have said that more times than I can count," Michael said.

"Hey, just don't look at the needle look at me," Sierra said.

Sophia looked over at Sierra. Sierra gave crystal a subtle nod that she can start.

"Listen, Sophia. I am not going to try and replace your mom. No one can do that. She was a one-of-a-kind woman," Sierra started but paused when Crystal put in the needle and Sophia winced.

That hurts so much. I hate this so much but don't cry. Don't cry, Sophia thought.

"Hey Soph, no look at me. Not Crystal," Sierra said and Sophia looked back over at Sierra.

"I want to be the older sister you never had. I will always be here for you when you need someone to talk to. Especially anything that you don't want to talk to your brothers about but would have talked to your mom about. I am here for you," Sierra said.

"Thank you so much, Sierra. You are like the older sister I never had, I am so glad that you married, Luke. He deserves a woman like you," Sophia said smiling.

Yeah especially when I am no longer here. He is going to need someone by his side and I am glad that it will be Sierra, Sophia thought.

Never Let Go ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora