Chapter 13

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Date: Saturday, March 12th (5/5) 

Luke was finally able to coax Sophia back into her hospital room after about 15 minutes of her just crying into him. To say he was pissed off at Dr. Amber was an understatement. As soon as he got Sophia situated in her room he was going straight to the chief's office to get her fired.

Except Luke had one problem.

"Soph, will you please let go of me," Luke said looking at her.

She shook her head at him. She wasn't letting go of him anytime soon.

Luke sighed and said, "Sunshine, if you don't let me go then I can't go take care of the situation. I promise as soon as I deal with it I will come back and we can cuddle or do whatever you want."

Michael was standing by the door with Crystal. Michale quickly briefed Crystal on what was going on. Crystal's heart broke. No one should hear what Dr. Amber told her, especially a 15-year-old girl.

Sophia thought about what Luke said for a few minutes.

Crystal broke the silence by saying, "Michael and I will stay with you. Let your brother go deal with the situation."

Sophia looked at Crystal then at Michael who was nodding. She then looked at Luke.

"Ok fine. Please make sure she gets fired," Sophia said pleading and letting off of her death grip on Luke.

"Oh she won't know what hit her when I am done, baby sis," Luke said winking at her and walking out of the room.


Luke walked to where Sierra and Calum were waiting for him

"Luke, just want to say you have a tough girl. She can definitely defend herself. She's a keeper. If you don't marry her then I will," Calum said laughing a little.

If Calum wasn't Luke's best friend then he would have felt protective but he knows Calum would never date Sierra. They are close best friends. Luke met Sierra through Calum.

"Oh really? What did you do?" Luke said looking at his girlfriend.

"She smacked her right in the face. That bitch was shook to the core," Calum laughed.

"Hey, she deserved it, especially after what she said," Sierra shrugged.

"That's my girl. I am proud of you" Luke said and nudged Sierra with a smile on his face.

"Wait. What did she say?" Luke said with worry on his face.

Sierra looked at Calum. She did not want to tell Luke what Dr. Amber told her. She knew he would hate himself and think he was the reason for all of this which isn't true.

"Oh umm," Sierra said.

"Sierra what did she say? please tell me," Luke said with some urgency in his voice.

Sierra sighed and said, "Luke promise me that you won't blame yourself for what I am about to say because this is not your fault, and please don't go on a rage fest of anger because that won't help anyone."

Luke stopped walking. What wasn't his fault? Why would he go on a rage fest? What the hell did Dr. Amber say?

Sierra noticed he stopped walking and stood in front of him.

When Luke didn't say anything Sierra continued on, "Luke when I asked her why Sophia should die like her mom she said and I quote Because she should die just like her mom. That bitch is the reason why Luke wouldn't date me in med school. He was always hanging out with her. If she isn't in the picture anymore then he would date me"

Never Let Go ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora