Chapter 11

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Date: Saturday, March 12th (3/5)

About 15 minutes later Sierra came in.

"You paged me?" She said looking at Luke and then the other two. She saw how sad they looked and she immediately got nervous. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Sierra, I don't know how to tell this to you so I'm just going to say it. Sophia has cancer and Michael and Calum are pretty sure it's Ewing Sarcoma but they will need more tests to be sure," Luke said choking back tears.

"No. You are joking. Luke, it's not funny," Sierra said looking at him with tears in her eyes. By the way Luke was looking at her, she knew he wasn't joking. She has only known Sophia for about a little over a year but the girl has become like the little sister she has always wanted.

Sierra immediately started crying and by instinct, Luke quickly pulled her into a hug.

"That poor girl. She has such a sweet soul and is always full of life. This is going to shatter her world more than it already was. She doesn't deserve this," Sierra said in between sobs.

"I know, S." Luke said rubbing her back.

After a few minutes, Sierra stopped crying.

"I am assuming you paged me because you need help telling her?" Sierra said looking at Luke. 

Sierra really didn't want to tell her because she didn't want to deliver the bad news but she also knew she would be the best one at doing it.


Sophia was sitting in her hospital room. She honestly had no idea what was going on. Luke and the guys have been gone for over an hour. She was nervous but Ashton came and sat with her. He kept her company. Ashton also didn't know what was going on so he was as clueless as Sophia was.

"You make it look so easy. I bet I could do a cartwheel," Ashton said sitting next to her.

"That is hilarious. I would like to see you try," Sophia said laughing.

"Ha ha very funny. I have an idea," He said.

Ashton got up from where he was sitting and stood in front of the bed,.

"Ash, what are you doing?" She asked him, looking confused.

He didn't answer her. He did a little leap and then put his hand up in the air like gymnasts do when they stick a landing.

"Nailed it!" He said.

Sophia laughed and said, "Ladies and gentlemen that was Ashton Irwin on the balance beam. The scores just came in and he got a 10/10."

"Thank you. Thank you," Ashton said while bowing and then started laughing with Sophia.

However they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They both looked over and saw Michael, Calum, Luke and Sierra.

After seeing how happy she was with Ashton all four of them were dreading what was about to come.

Sophia was the first to say something. "Took you all long enough. Did you figure out what's wrong with me? Please tell me there is something you can do," She said looking at Calum.

Calum looked at her and said, "Yes we did figure out what's going on with you."

"Ok what is it?" She was getting very impatient.

Sierra decided to step in.

"Sophia, what I am about to tell you is going to sound scary and you are going to have all kinds of questions. But remember we are all here for you and I will answer any questions you may have."

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