Chapter 8

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Date: Wednesday, March 9th

"Come on, Sunshine. It's time to wake up and get moving," Luke said walking into Sophia's room.

Sophia wasn't tired for once in what felt like a long time so she turned over and smiled at Luke. She said, "Good morning."

But Luke noticed something. Her face looked a little red. He walked over and felt her forehead which made her look at him confused.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Better than I have been in a while. Why?" She said looking at him. She thought to herself, Why is he asking this?

"You just feel a little warm. You would tell me if you felt sick, right?" He said concerned.

"Yeah of course I would. Now go away so I can get dressed for school," She said, pushing him out of the room.


Sophia, Hunter, and Lizzy were now in 5th period which is their English class.

"Hunter, are you ready for tonight's game?" Chris, the centerfielder, said.

Hunter was the star pitcher for their high school baseball team. So far this season they have won 12 games and only lost 2. They were the best team out of the district.

"Yes I am. We are so going to beat the Dolphins tonight," he said.

"With Hunter on the mound there's no way we can lose," Conner, the first baseman, said.

"Since when did our Hunter become so popular?" Lizzy asked from beside him.

"I wouldn't say popular. I'm just well known," He said, shrugging.

Lizzy and Sophia looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah ok. Think what you want buddy. But everyone loves you and girls are always swooning," Sophia said.

"Oh really? Haven't noticed," He said looking between the two of them.

"Hey Hunter, are our cheerleaders going to be there tonight?" Dylan, who is the catcher on the team, said.

"I don't know let me ask. Liz, Soph are you guys going to the game tonight?" Hunter said looking between the two of them. He already knew the answer.

"Hunter, what kind of question is that? Of course we will be," Sophia said.

"Yeah Dylan they will be there," Hunter said laughing.

"Ok class, settle down. You have a writing prompt that you have to do for today. The paper is on your desk and you have until the end of class to do it," Their English teacher, Mrs. Riddle, said.

Everyone groaned but started working on it. Sophia on the other hand was having trouble since she still had the cast on her right arm which is the arm she writes with. Hunter could hear her mumbling to herself.

"Soph, what's wrong?" He whispered to her.

"I can't write. This is so frustrating," she said annoyed.

"Oh right. Why don't you ask Mrs. Riddle to help?" He asked her.

"Because I don't want to be a burden," She said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Really Sophia? You wouldn't be a burden. She has to accommodate you since you broke your arm. Go do it. It will be fine," Hunter said.

"Ugh ok," She said.

Sophia walked up to Mrs. Riddle's desk and asked her if she could help write and Mrs. Riddle kindly agreed. Sophia was so tired of her broken arm and just wanted it to be healed.


After school Sophia took the public transportation bus to the hospital. The baseball game wasn't until 6pm and she wasn't able to stay at the school. When she got to the hospital she went straight to Luke's office which he wasn't in at the moment. So she just started on some of her math homework.

It was now around 5:30 pm and she had just finished her homework for the day and Luke still didn't come in. She was confused because he was supposed to take her back to the school for the game.

Sophia walked to Michales office and saw that he was sitting at his desk.

"MIKEY," She yelled and ran over to him. She definitely took him by surprise because he almost fell out of his seat.

"Sopay, do not scare me like that," He looked at her with a smile on his face, "Anyway, how was your day?"

"It was fine. This broken arm is getting on my nerves though. We had to do a writing prompt in English but I had to have Mrs. Riddle help me," She said, whining a little.

Michael nodded and said, "Yeah I can imagine but you only have 5 more weeks until it's completely healed."

"I am so looking forward to it. Anyway, where is Luke? He was supposed to drive me to the school so I could watch Hunter and the guys play," She said.

"Oh he and Sierra got caught up with a patient that just came in. He said that either Calum or I can take you. Which do you prefer?" He said looking at her.

"You take me," She said quickly.

He laughed and said, "Ok then. Let's go."

"Give me a piggyback ride. I'm too lazy to walk," She said.

"Only you. Ok come on then," He bent down and let her climb on his back.

"Now let's go horsey I have somewhere to be," Sophia said laughing and Michael laughed with her.


Michale dropped Sophia off and then went home since Luke said he would pick her up. Sophia and Lizzy were sitting in the front row of the bleachers cheering on their best friend and the other guys who were slowly becoming their friends.

"Let's go Hunter," Lizzy yelled.

"You got this Hunter," Sophia yelled.

Hunter was currently on the mound. It was the top of the 7th inning. This was the last out and the game would be over as long as no one else scored. The pioneers were winning 3-2.

Hunter pitched a curveball. The batter swung and struck out. Lizzy and Sophia jumped up screaming.

"THAT'S OUR BOYS!" Sophia yelled.


After the team had a meeting with the coach all the boys came out to where Lizzy and Sophia were. Hunter immediately ran to them both and hugged them.

"Eww hunter get off. You are so sweaty," Sophia said, pushing him away while making a disgusted face.

Hunter laughed and said, "I just pitched 7 whole innings. Obviously I'm sweating."

"You were amazing. All of you were. You deserved that win, "Sophia said.

"We wouldn't be the best if it weren't for you two," Conner said.

"No that's not true," Sophia said.

"Yes it is. You two are like the only students from 9th grade that actually come and support us. I mean yeah people come but you two are always here," Chris said.

"I speak for all of us when I say that we really appreciate it," Dylan said.

"Ok well, someone has to support you guys because you are amazing," Lizzy said.

Within seconds the guys had the two girls in a group hug.

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