Chapter 24

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Date: Thursday, March 24th
Sophia was in her third class of the day when she saw she had a text.

From: Angelina🤸🏻‍♂️

Hey Girl!! I haven't seen you since our last gymnastics meet when you broke your arm which was a little over a month ago. I hope you are doing ok. I was texting to see if you would want to hang out later today?

Crap. I completely forget about Angelina. With everything that has happened, it must have slipped my mind. I feel so bad.

Angelina and Sophia have known each other since they were 7. They met at the gym where they both started classes for Gymnastics. Ever since then they have been best friends. However, Angelina is homeschooled so they have never been at school with each other. Hunter and Lizzy know about Angelina but they aren't really close with her.

To: Angelina🤸🏻‍♂️

Omg, I am so sorry. I meant to text you last week but it slipped my mind. So much has been going on lately. I would love to hang out later today. I will have Hunter's brother drive me over to your house after school. I can't wait to see you!!

From: Angelina🤸🏻‍♂️

Oh no, you're totally fine. Don't apologize. I am excited to see you later!!


Hunter's brother dropped Sophia off at Angelina's house. She walked up to the door and knocked. She was excited to see her best friend that she hasn't seen in over a month.

Angelina opened the door and both she and Sophia immediately smiled at each other.

"Hello, Alice," Angelina said.

"Hello, Angelina," Sophia said.

Then both, Sophia and Angelina did a little twirl like a ballerina.

This was their inside joke. Both girls loved the show Angelina Ballerina when they were kids and since Angelina had the same name as the young mouse the nickname Angelina gave Sophia was Alice since that was the young mouse's best friend.

"Well come on in," Angelina said and motioned for Sophia to come inside. They both walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"So how have you been lately? You haven't been to any of our gymnastic practices," Angelina said looking at Sophia.

I am not going to tell her the full truth. I need at least one person in my life to treat me normally and not like I am going to crumble at any moment.

"Yeah. I am having some health problems at the moment. It's nothing too serious. I just can't do gymnastics which sucks," Sophia said looking at Angelina.

Angelina thinks for a minute and then asks, "does it have anything to do with the fact that you keep breaking your arm?"

Sophia looks at Angelina for a minute and then says, "Yeah it does. I will be better by next year and should be able to do gymnastics again and our dream of going to the Olympics together and making my mom proud will happen. Maybe not as soon as we hoped but it will happen," Sophia said smiling at the end.

She honestly didn't know if she would ever be able to do gymnastics again since they said something about a chance of her not being able to but she was hoping she would be able to.

"Yes! omg, I can't wait till the day we can go to the Olympics together. I can see it now, Sophia Hemmings and Angelina Carpenter both tied for gold," Angelina said standing up.

"Yes, and our families in the stands smiling so wide at us," Sophia said also standing up.

"I want to thank my mom and dad for always supporting me," Angelina said.

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