Chapter 3

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Date: Tuesday, January 18th

Today after school Sophia had an appointment with Calum. Luke was currently picking her up from school.

"Luke do I seriously have to go to this appointment? I am fine," Sophia said whining.

She absolutely hates going to the doctor. She had a bad experience with a doctor when she was younger. That's why Calum is now her pediatrician. But Even though it's Cal who she loves, she still hates it. Especially when he decides to draw blood or give her a shot. She is terrified of needles. All the boys know this and they always try to calm her nerves as best as they can.

Luke sighs, "Sunshine, you know how important it is to get a checkup. Don't you want to make sure you are healthy so you can continue training for the Olympics?" He knew the only way to get her to comply was to bring up the Olympics.

"Yeah, I guess so. You will stay in the room with me the whole time though, right?" She said with pleading eyes that always made his heart melt.

"Of course," He said. Not long after they pulled up to the children's hospital. Sophia's heart began to race. Luke looked over and saw she was panicking.

"Sophia, Sophia please look at me," Luke said quickly to her.

She looked over at him. "Just take deep breaths. It's ok. Remember it's only Calum. He won't hurt you," Luke said. She started to calm down a little.

They both got out of the car and started walking to the doors. Sophia quickly grabbed Luke's hand. He was her comfort person when she was scared and upset. She was so glad that he was her older brother.

They walked into the exam room where Calum was waiting for them.

Calum saw how nervous she was and his entire expression softened. "Hey kiddo, how was your day?" He asked her.

"It was ok. How was yours, cal?"

"Mines was fantastic. You can go ahead and step on the scale so we can measure your weight," He said.

She walked over to it and stepped on the scale. They waited a few seconds for her weight to pop up on the screen. When it did, Calum said," It looks like you lost a couple of pounds. Which isn't too concerning at the moment. So I'm not going to worry about it. Can you please step over here so we can measure your height?"

Sophia got off the scale and walked over to where he was pointing. He measured her and said, "Looks like you grew a couple of inches from the last time we measured you. That's good."

Sophia nodded at him and looked at Luke who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Now onto the next thing. You can hop up on the bed now," Calum said.

Luke helped her up on the bed and stayed next to her. Calum checked her heart, reflexes and ears.

"Ok kiddo, can you please lay down on your back for me so I can check your stomach real quick. I promise it will be quick," He said. He knew she always felt uncomfortable with this part.

She laid down and he quickly did it. She sat back up. Calum then looked at Luke with a look that Luke knew all too well. He prepared himself for what was about to come.

"Ok Soph, you aren't going to like this next part but I need you to be brave," Calum started to say.

Sophia immediately knew what he was about to say and jumped off the table quicker than either of them could react. She was running out the door. Luckily Michael, who knew what was going on today was walking by and saw her running and stopped her.

"Whoa. Stop. What's wrong?" he said looking at her with concern. He had an idea but wasn't sure.

"Mikey...Cal.... he....said...." She tried to say but was on the verge of a panic attack so she could hardly breath. She fell into Michael's arms.

"Ok. Ok Sophia you need to relax and breath or you are going to pass out. Come on match my breaths," he said.

Luke came out of the room and saw Michael there. Michael looked up and Luke gave him the look and Michael finally understood why she was freaking out.

After a few minutes her breathing was back to normal. They were sitting on the floor. Michael knew it was dirty but he didn't care at that moment.

"Soph, do you mind telling me what got you all freaked out?" Michael said softly.

She still had tears falling down her face. "You already know. I know you do. You aren't stupid. But Cal wants to take blood from me. Mikey, you know I hate needles. I can't do it," She said, starting to cry again.

He sighed, "I know soph, but he's just doing it to make sure you are healthy. Besides you know Crystals your nurse and she always makes sure it doesn't hurt as much. What if Luke and I are there to distract you while they do it?"

"I don't know. I guess that could work," She said, not really convinced.

Michael stands up and then helps her get up. She walks with him back into the room where Calum, Luke and Crystal are. They all saw her face and all their hearts broke. They didn't want to do this but it was for her health.

Michale helped her back up on the table while Crystal and Calum got the needle ready.

"ok sweetie, just look at Luke and Michael. It will hurt less," Crystal said. Sophia nodded.

She looked over at Luke and Michael. Michael decided to ask her a question that he knew would get her mind off of what was going on. Calum wiped down her arm.

"Hey soapy, are you excited for your gymnasts competition in a few weeks?"

She immediately smiled, she loved talking about gymnastics. "Yes. I can't wait for you guys to see my routines. I have been working so hard on them."

Crystal was putting in the needle and Sophia started to wince. She also started to move her head but Luke stopped her.

"No, sunshine don't look. Tell us what's your favorite routine," Luke said.

"The floor, 100%. I get to dance and do all kinds of cool things on the floor. It's so fun," she said gleaming.

"Ok sweetie, all done," Crystal said.

"That wasn't so bad now was it," Calum said looking at her. She just rolled her eyes at him.

"Can we please go get something to eat now. I'm starving," She said.

"Yeah, let's go," Luke said. 

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