Chapter 2

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Date: Monday, January 10th

"Soph, it's 6:30 am. It's time to get up or you will be late," Luke said in his scrubs. He needed to get her to school by 7 am so he could get to the hospital by the time his shift starts at 8 am.

"Luke I don't feel good," Sophia said mumbling but he was still able to understand what she was saying.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired and my body hurts so bad," She said with pain in her voice.

"Sophia you're fine. It's because you trained yesterday for the first time in six weeks. You are going to be a little bit sore. Get dressed and then come on downstairs and I will give you a painkiller," He said walking out of her room.

She groaned but got up and got dressed.

Luke went downstairs and saw Sierra sitting at the table.

"Good morning, beautiful," He said walking over and kissing her.

"Good morning, Handsome," She said back, "How's our girl doing?"

"She said she's tired and in pain but I think it's because she trained yesterday for the first time in weeks. It's going to take her body a few days to get back into the rhythm," He said grabbing the painkillers from the top cabinet.

Sophia walked into the kitchen not looking happy at all. Sierra saw her and knew how to make her smile.

"How's my favorite human doing on this fine morning?" Sierra asked Sophia while walking over to give her a hug.

Sophia looked at Sierra and smiled, "I am ok."

Luke looks offended and says, " Hey, what about me?"

Sierra doesn't even acknowledge him and says, "Well have a good day soph, I have to get to work early today so I will see you tonight." Sierra walks out the door to the garage and leaves.

"Ok sunshine, here's your painkillers and here's some eggs. Quickly eat because I need to get you to school."


Luke dropped Sophia off at school and she walked inside and straight to her locker where she saw her friends, Lizzy and Hunter standing by it. A smile grew on her face.

"Hey besties," She said running up to them.

"Hey, Sophia," they both said in unison.

"I swear you guys are like twins but from a different mother, " Sophia said laughing.

"Soph that doesn't make any sense," Hunter said, laughing.

"Whatever," She said, shrugging and opening her locker to get her books out.

"Did you guys study for the history test we have to do?" Lizzy asked.

"No," Hunter said.

"Yes. I need to get perfect grades or Luke well even the guys would be on my butt about it. I would probably end up grounded if I failed," Sophia said closing her locker. 

"That makes sense," Hunter said.

The three of them walked into their history classroom.


Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Crystal and Sierra were all in the breakroom eating their lunch.

"How is Sophia doing?" Calum asked.

"Well she was in pain this morning but I think it's because she trained for the first time in six weeks yesterday," Luke said.

"Yeah that's probably why. She just needs to take it easy. Also don't forget she has a doctor appointment with me next week," Calum said. Luke nods.


After school Sophia walked to the gym where she trains at. It was only a 5 minute walk from her school. She was still in pain but not as bad as she was this morning.

"Today I just want you to practice the basics. Handstand and cartwheels on the floor and balance beam. By next week you should be able to train fully," Her coach said.

Sophia really just wanted to practice her routines but she wasn't going to jeopardize her health because she knew if she did anything her body wasn't ready for then she could kiss the Olympics goodbye.

By the end of practice she was feeling super tired and sore. She just wanted to go home and sleep. Luke finally pulled up and she jumped in his car.

"Hey sunshine, How was your day?"

"It was great but I'm tired and sore. Can we please just go home?"

"Yeah sure." 

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