Chapter 39

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Date: Saturday, April 16th

Sophia was confused. She was standing in a field of flowers.

How did I get here? Wasn't I just at Michaels's house? How is it bright out here? Wasn't it just dark outside?

However, she did feel strangely at peace. It felt warm and comforting. She started to walk around. All the flowers were super pretty. There were sunflowers, tulips, and daisies. It was such a wonderful place. She didn't think she would ever want to leave.

Sophia walked for a little longer until she saw a cute little house. As she got closer she gasped. The flowers surrounding it were sunflowers. Her mom's favorite flower. She took off running towards the house. When she reached it she saw a lady watering the flowers.

Is it? No, it can't be. But it looks just like her.

The woman turned around and immediately dropped the watering can and covered her mouth.

"Sophia, is that you?" The woman asked.

Omg, it is.

Sophia took off running towards the woman who had her arms wide open for her to run into. Both the women and Sophia had tears in their eyes.

"Mommy, I missed you so much," Sophia said sobbing while in her mom's arms.

"I know, baby. I missed you so much too," Katie said.

After a few minutes, they both pulled away from each other.

"Mommy, I am so sorry for letting you down. I knew it was your dream for me to go to the Olympics and I wasn't able to make it this year."

Katie grabbed Sophia's face to make her look at her and said, "Sophia Rose Hemmings, do not think that you let me down. You never let me down and never will. It was my dream for you to go because I knew it was also your dream. My dream has always been what yours is. Sweetie, listen to me right now you not being able to go to the Olympics is not your fault. Your health and happiness will always come first before anything else. I've been watching over you. I've always been there with you for everything. I know what you have been going through and I am so sorry, baby. But I am so happy and proud of the person you are becoming. I swear you would never let me down."

Sophia started crying again and fell into her mom's arms. Her mom just rubbed her back.

After a few minutes, Sophia was a little calmer and Katie broke the silence between them.

"Sweetie, why don't you tell me what's going on with you and Luke? I can sense some tension between you guys. You two always had such a close bond. What happened?"

"Um about that. Ok so after I was diagnosed with Cancer I knew how devastating it would be for Luke if I ended up dying since we were so close. I came up with the idea that I should push him away and make him hate me. Then he wouldn't be upset when I die. I am doing it for his own good," Sophia said, not looking at her mom.

"Sophia, that's a terrible idea. For one I know my son, he could never hate you no matter what you do. He has adored you since he found out I was pregnant with a girl. He was 10 when I was pregnant with you. He always told me that he was going to be the best big brother and protect you from all the evil in the world. Then when you were born he always helped me take care of you. It was quite adorable. He never broke his promise to me when I was dying. He said he would take care of you and make sure you stay the happy little girl we all knew," Katie took a quick pause to see if she could read Sophia's face and then continued, "Sweetie, What I am trying to say is he would never ever hate you. He wouldn't want you to push him away to save him from pain."

Sophia sat there and thought over what her mom said and then said, "But mom I am also truly mad at him at the moment he kept the thing going on with dad a secret from me. Why would he do that? I can't even speak to him right now."

Katie took a deep breath and said, "It is totally acceptable for you to be upset with Luke. You have every right, However, I need you to know that everything Luke does is out of love for you. He makes decisions based on your safety and health. I know you don't know this but Michael told Luke that you shouldn't be under a lot of stress or it could cause your body to go into distress. That led Luke to not tell you for right now. He really did want to tell you, sweetie, but he just didn't want to add anything else to your plate."

Oh my gosh. I didn't know that. I feel so bad for treating Luke the way I did.

Sophia sat there just thinking about everything her mom just told her. She was starting to regret yelling at Luke over their dad's situation.

"Soph, I am going to ask you a question and I need you to be honest. Do you really want to push Luke away and deal with all of this by yourself or do you really need him?"

Sophia responded to that question super fast, "I don't want to push him away. I need him. I can't go through the cancer treatments without him. They are scary."

"Then you need to go back and apologize to him and fix your relationship," Katie said.

"No Mommy, I need you. I don't want to leave you. Can't I just stay here?" Sophia said with tears falling.

Katie wiped Sophia's tears and said, "No sweetie. You have to go back. You aren't done living yet. You still have things you need to do on earth. I will be here when it's your time but that's not right now."

"No I don't want to leave you," Sophia said crying and hugging her mom.

"Baby there are people down there who need you. I can wait. I promise we will reunite at some point. You will be ok. I will always be watching over you."

Sophia saw her mom start glowing.

"No mommy, I love you so much," Sophia said with tears running down her face.

"I love you so much, Sophia Rose. Keep fighting. I will see you one day, just don't make it before it's your time," Katie said.

"Oh Sophia, please give this message to Luke for me 'I am so happy that you have found your soulmate. I approve of her. Can't wait to meet her one day. Thank you for taking care of your baby sister for me. You are doing a wonderful job. I love you so much itsy bitsy'," Katie said and then disappeared.

Itsy bitsy? What does that mean?

Sophia was left sitting in the flower field all by herself crying.

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