Chapter 22

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Date: Tuesday, March 22nd

Sophia and all of her friends were sitting at Lunch. Hunter and Lizzy were sitting on both sides of Sophia while Chris, Dylan, and Conner were sitting across from them.

"Guys, I have something I need to tell you. It's serious. Lizzy and Hunter already know but I wanted to also tell you three," Sophia started off saying.

Conner, Chris, and Dylan all looked at Sophia and gave her their full attention.

"I am not going into full detail but I am sick," She said looking at them and then elaborating further, "What I mean is I have cancer. It's only stage one and my doctor, Dr. Clifford, is optimistic I will go into remission at some point but I have to undergo treatment first."

Conner was the first to speak up, "Sophia, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this but just know that I am here for you if you ever need anything."

Dylan and Chris pretty much said the same thing as Conner.

"Ok, now that we have that out of the way and it feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders I have some other news. I am currently writing a song for my older brother's wedding that is on Saturday. Would you guys be up to performing it? Conner and I would be the lead vocals as well as dancing since I asked him the other day to dance with me. This song will be a perfect one for us to dance to," Sophia said, excitedly.

"Yes of course," Lizzy said.

"That sounds amazing," Chris said.

"I am so down," Dylan said.

Hunter didn't say anything. Sophia's smile dropped.

"Hunter, what about you?" She asked.

"I don't know. Thinking about performing at a wedding terrifies me," Hunter said, truthfully.

"Oh come on Hunter. You were amazing at the talent show. Besides I know you are also amazing on the drums and we need someone to play them while Conner and I are dancing," Sophia said, smiling at Hunter.

"Ok Ok fine, I am in," Hunter said. He couldn't say no to sophia.


"Bye Soph, See you tomorrow," Lizzy said to Sophia as she was walking towards her bus.

"Bye, Liz," Sophia said.

Sophia saw two of her other friends waiting for her by the tree. She ran over to them.

"Hey Hunter, Hey Conner," She said smiling at them. They both said hi back.

"How do you guys think you did on the math test?" Sophia asked them.

"Eh, I think I did ok," Hunter said.

"I probably failed it to be honest. Math makes no sense," Conner said, sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have tutored you. I am amazing at math," Sophia said, looking at him.

Sophia really enjoyed doing math. It was one thing that always made sense to her.

"Next time I will," Conner said.

He then saw something or really someone in the corner of his eye. They were looking straight at Sophia. Conner recognized this guy from yesterday.

"Sophia, do you know that person?" Conner asked her while looking in the direction of the person.

Sophia turned around to get a look at the person and then turned back around to face Conner and Hunter.

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