Chapter 53

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Date: Thursday, December 5th

Sophia was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to all kinds of medicine.

"Sophia, how are you feeling?" Ben asked her.

"I am nervous, She asked with anxiety filling her up.

Ben reached out and gently took Sophia's hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "I understand you're nervous, Sophia. It's completely normal to feel that way before surgery. But you've got an excellent medical team, and they're here to help you. They've done this procedure many times before."

Sophia nodded, trying to find comfort in Ben's words. "I know, but it's still scary. What if something goes wrong?"

This time Luke spoke up.

"Sophia, nothing will go wrong. Michael is the best surgeon there is."

Sophia looked over at Luke with tears in her eyes and said, "Luke, what if he can't get it all out? Then what? I really don't want to go through Chemo again. That was the worst 10 months of my life."

Before Luke could say anything Michael spoke up. No one even knew he was in the room.

"Hey, Soph, look at me," Sophia looked over at him, "I promise everything is going to be fine. Just relax. Even if we have to do Chemo again after this it will only be for about two months but we shouldn't have to do that because I am positive I will get every piece of the Tumor out. Do you trust me?"

"I do trust you," She said with tears still falling.

"Ok then trust me when I say once this surgery is over you will be cancer-free," He said.

The room fell into a brief silence as everyone absorbed Michael's words.

Sophia took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

"Thank you, Michael. I trust you," she said, managing a small smile through her tears.

Michael returned the smile. "That's the spirit. I've successfully performed this surgery many times, and I have a good feeling about today. You're in good hands, Sophia."

The medical team began preparing Sophia for the surgery, checking the equipment and ensuring everything was in order. Luke and Ben stayed by Sophia's side, offering her words of encouragement.

As the surgical team wheeled Sophia towards the operating room, she looked back at Ben and Luke, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and hope. Michael walked alongside her.

"See you on the other side, Sophia. I love you," Ben said, giving her a reassuring nod.

Luke added, "We'll be right here waiting for you. You've got this. I love you."

"I love you guys," She said.

The doors closed, and Sophia was on her way to the operating room. The atmosphere in the waiting room remained tense, but there was an underlying sense of optimism.

Everyone knew that Michael was a skilled surgeon, and they held onto the belief that Sophia would come out of the surgery successfully.


Oh guess while we wait for Sophia to come out of surgery I should catch you up on what has happened in these past 6 months.

Leslie Amber was found guilty and got 50 years in jail with a chance of parole in 20 years.

Luke and Sierra lost the baby in July. Sierra was devastated thinking it was her fault but it had nothing to do with Sierra. The baby had a chromosomal abnormality so they had to terminate the pregnancy.

In exciting news, Michael and Crystal are expecting a baby in March.

Chloe and Ashton are still together.

Calum is dating someone named Maria.

Conner and Sophia are still together and Conner has been by her side for every chemo treatment distracting her. She did try and push him away at one point because she didnt want him to see her at her worst but he didn't let her.

Oh looks like Michael is coming back. Did the surgery work?


As the doors to the operating room opened, Michael walked back into the waiting room, his expression a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. The room fell silent as everyone eagerly awaited his update.

Michael took a deep breath and offered a reassuring smile. "The surgery went well. We successfully removed the entire tumor, and I'm confident that Sophia will recover smoothly. She's in the recovery room now, and you'll be able to see her soon."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room, and the tension that had gripped everyone began to loosen.

Ben and Luke exchanged relieved glances, their expressions softening with gratitude.

"Thank you, Michael. You've done an amazing job," Ben said, gratitude evident in his voice.

Luke added, "We appreciate everything you've done for Sophia."

Michael nodded, acknowledging their words. "She's a strong woman, and I have no doubt she'll bounce back. The next few hours will be critical, but the worst is behind us."

About an hour later a nurse came and told Luke and Ben that they could see Sophia.

As they made their way to the recovery room, Ben and Luke felt relief that Sophia was on the path to recovery.

When they entered the recovery room, Sophia was awake, her eyes meeting theirs with a mixture of exhaustion and relief.

Ben and Luke rushed to her side, taking her hand and offering words of comfort and love.

She knew even though she was cancer free finally didn't mean that it was gone forever because it could come back. She also knew there were going to be side effects from having the cancer but in that moment, surrounded by those who cared deeply for her, Sophia felt a profound sense of warmth and hope for the future.


The end!! It has taken me forever to finish this story and I've kind of lost all motivation to really write any more for this story but I couldn't leave you guys without an ending.

However, I might write a sequel at some point if that's something any of you are interested in.

Before I end this book for good I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this story, commented and voted on it. It means everything to me. I did not expect this story to get as much attention as it did and for that I will forever be grateful.

Again, thank you and I'm so glad y'all enjoyed this story :)

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