Chapter 7

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Date: Sunday, March 6th

Luke had to go to work today and Sierra was spending time with her family. So that left Luke having to take Sophia to work with him. She hated staying home alone otherwise he would have just left her there

"Come on soph. You need to get up or I'm leaving you here," Luke said for what felt like the 5th time this morning. It wasn't even that early. It was 9 am but Sophia still wouldn't get out of bed.

"Luke, I don't feel good. I'm tired, my body hurts and I feel super weak," Sophia said mumbling into her bed. Luke got concerned and walked over to her bed. He went to touch her forehead to see if she had a fever but she didn't.

"Well, you don't have a fever. Do you just want to stay here today?" He asked.

"No, I'm coming just give me a minute," She said.

Luke could tell that something was off but he didn't think she was sick. He was thinking that maybe she was depressed about their mom's death anniversary being yesterday or if she was just stressed out about not being able to do gymnastics.

"Ok. Do you want anything to eat?" He asked before walking out her door.

"No, I'm not hungry," She said. He nodded and walked out the door.


They arrived at the hospital around 9:45 am and Sophia decided she was going to hang out in Michaels office instead of Luke's since his couch was much more comfortable. As soon as she laid down she fell asleep. About 30 minutes later Michaell walked in and saw her sleeping but left her be and just started working on paperwork he had to do.

It was now 12pm and Sophia was still sleeping. Michael was still sitting at his desk when Calum walked in. He walked over to Michaels desk.

"Has she been sleeping the entire time?" He asked with a whisper.

"Yeah, she hasn't woken up once. Luke told me that when she woke up this morning she was complaining about being tired and her body being sore. She isn't running a fever though. He also said she didn't eat anything yet. He thinks she may be depressed, stressed out or possibly getting sick," Michael said whispering.

Calum looked at Michael and then looked over at Sophia.

"I think we should wake her up and take her to the cafeteria to get something to eat with Ashton," Calum said. Michael nodded in agreement.

They both walked over to her. Calum shook her softly and said, "Sophia, it's time to wake up."

She grumbled a little and turned over to look at Calum. "But cal, don't want to wake up," She said.

"Well it's 12pm and you have been sleeping for a long time. Michael and I want to take you to Lunch. Ashton is going to meet us there," Calum said.

"I'm not hungry though," She said looking away from him.

Calum looked at Michael confused because usually she is always hungry.

"You don't have to eat a lot but you need to eat something," Michael said trying to persuade her.

"You guys aren't going to give up are you?" She asked annoyed.

"No, kiddo we aren't. So come on," Calum said.

"Ugh ok fine," She said getting up off the couch. Calum and Michael smiled at their little victory.

Sophia followed them out the door and to the cafeteria where Ashton sat. He already got all of them their food. so they all walked over to him and sat down.

"Someone looks like they just woke up from a nap," Ashton said looking at Sophia.

"Yeah because those two over there woke me up and said I couldn't sleep anymore and then forced me to come here," Sophia said with attitude. Her attitude took all of them by surprise since she doesn't usually have one. She's usually always in a good mood.

"Oh ok, well if you kept sleeping you wouldn't have gone to sleep tonight so they did it to help you," Ashton said trying to calm her down.

"Yeah ok whatever," She said with annoyance. Calum and Michael were stunned but Ashton was used to this behavior from children.

"Ok Sophia, this attitude is not acceptable," Ashton said sternly but then went on to say, "Is there something bothering you?"

Something must've clicked in Sophias head because she immediately regretted her attitude towards Michael and Calum. "Omg Mikey Cal I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," She said, starting to panic. She didn't mean to be rude to them. She honestly has no idea why she was.

Calum quickly responded to her, "Soph, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Is there something bothering you?"

She sat there for a minute thinking about it.

"I don't know honestly. I just don't feel like myself lately. I've been tired a lot and on some days my body hurts for absolutely no reason. I know I broke my arm which by the way hurts me everyday. It's super annoying that I can't train but I only have 5 more weeks I think I can live. But yeah I just don't feel that great overall," Sophia said honestly looking between the three of them.

"Soph, I think you may just be stressing yourself out. You need to relax," Ashton said looking at her.

"I know I try to. It's kind of hard when I keep breaking my arm. I need to train for the olympics and also worry about school on top of that," she said. She had no idea why she was telling them the truth but it felt good to let it out.

"I know princess, but you really do need to stop stressing so much especially over the Olympics. I know that even if you aren't ready this year, which I know will hurt if you can't, it's not like you won't be able to. You will just have to wait 4 more years and by then you may be even better than you are now and fully healed. As for school you know you can always ask one of us or a teacher to help you. You are not alone," Ashton said.

Sophia looked at Ashton and nodded, "Thank you Ashton. That made me feel so much better."

"Anytime, always know that I am here to listen and to give advice."

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