Chapter 31

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Date: Saturday, April 2nd

"Luke where are we going?" Sierra asked looking over at him. He was driving.

"Babe, just chill. We will be there in 5 minutes," Luke said.

Luke wasn't lying they were there in 5 minutes. When Sierra saw where they were a smile grew on her face.

"Oh my gosh. Luke this is amazing," She said.

"I knew it would be," Luke said, smiling.

They were at Dave and Buster's. Which happened to be the place where they had their first date.


"Mikey, I am so going to beat you at Mario Kart," Sophia said.

"Do you remember when you said that last time and I destroyed you?" Michael asked her.

"Yeah. So?" Sophia said with a head tilt.

"Don't get your hopes up. That's all I am saying," Michael said.


"I- soph how the heck did you beat me?" Michael said, in disbelief that he just lost for the first time ever.

Sophia shrugs and says, "I've been practicing."


"Come on Sierra shoot the zombie," Luke said.

"I am trying. They are just too many and they keep coming at me," Sierra said, laughing. She sucked at this game so bad.

"Damn it we lost," Luke said, pouting.

"That's ok babe. Because you are about to lose in skiball," Sierra said.

"Oh the hell I am," Luke said.

They both took off running to the ski ball machine like they were 5-year-olds.

After the game was over Sierra smirked at Luke and said, "See I said you were going to lose."

"How?" Luke said, pouting.

"Because I am better than you obviously. You should stick to being a doctor because you suck at games," Sierra said and then took off running before Luke could get her.

"Hey, that was rude. Sierra get back here," Luke said and chased after her.


"I don't feel good," Sophia said standing up from the couch and running straight to the bathroom.

Michael and Crystal looked at each other and both ran after her. Michael knew how shitty the side effects could be especially after the first round of chemo.

When they reached the bathroom she was throwing up in the toilet. Crystal immediately went over and pulled her hair back.

"This sucks," Sophia said with tears in her eyes.

"Do you want me to call Luke?" Michael asked.

"No no. He's with sierra let him have fun. I will be fine," Sophia said.

That's a lie. Since when do I lie? I really want Luke. I hate that I have to push him away but it's for his own good.

Sophia has been pushing Luke away. Not because she is a teenager but there's a reason. She's afraid that she is going to die and she wants it to not hurt Luke as much as it would be if she didn't push him away. That was her thinking anyway. When she dies if Luke hates her then he won't be as heartbroken.

She remembers when their mom died she knew he tried as much as he could to keep her from seeing him breakdown crying but one night she sadly saw him and it broke her heart seeing her older brother who she has always seen as being strong breaking down crying. Luke doesn't know that she saw him though.

Sophia doesn't want him to be heartbroken like that when she goes. So her pushing him away is the best departing present she can give him.

"Soph, are you sure?" Michael asked, a little confused.

Since he has met her anytime she is sick she has always wanted Luke's comfort even when she was mad at him.

"Yes Mikey, I am sure," She said and then threw up again.

"This is fucking awful," Sophia said and started crying.

Crystal looked at Michael which was a look that told Michael he needed to act like her older brother and not her doctor.

"I know, soph. It's ok. Crystal let me take over. Please go get her some water and anti-nausea pills. They are in the top cabinet in the kitchen," Michael said and took crystals spot sitting behind Sophia.

"You are ok Soph. I got you," Michael said while rubbing her back.

He hated seeing her like this and wish he could take her pain away. He also hated the fact that he was the one who was doing this to her. He was the one giving her the chemo which in return made her sick.


Luke caught up with Sierra and he picked her up. Sierra squealed.

"Luke Hemmings, you better put me down right now before you drop me," Sierra said laughing.

"Drop you? Babe, you are light as a feather. Now take back what you said about me sucking or I will tickle you," Luke said.

"No never," Sierra said, giggling.

"Ok then," Luke said and started tickling her.

Sierra hated being tickled. She was so ticklish.

"Luke....stop...please....," Sierra said in between laughs.

"No ma'am not until you take it back," Luke said.

"Ok ok fine, I take it back. you don't suck," She said.

Luke stopped tickling her and put her down.

Luke said, "Thank you, my love."

Sierra smirked and said, "you just aren't great."

Luke looked at her and she took off running.


Sophia had finally stooped throwing up after 15 minutes. She was still on the bathroom floor with Michael but she was leaning up against his chest.

Man, I really want Luke right now. No Sophia. Stay strong. You are doing this for Luke's own good. It's not about what you want it's about Luke.

"Soph, baby, do you want to go lay down in the guest bedroom?" Michael asked her, softly.

Even though Sophia can't get comfort from the one person she wants, Luke, at least she can still get it from Michael.

"Can you please lay down with me?" She turned to look at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course," He said.


"I really enjoyed tonight. I think we both needed this after a stressful week we have had," Sierra said as her and Luke walked through the door.

"Yeah. We need to hang out with just the two of us more often. We have mainly been focusing on sophia. Which I am not saying is a bad thing because she definitely needs us and this battle with cancer will only get worse until it gets better but we also need to make time for ourselves so we don't lose connection," Luke said.

"Well I can think of something we haven't done in so long since Sophia is always here," Sierra said smirking.

"Oh, I see where this is going," Luke said, also smirking.

They both took off running upstairs into their bedroom. You can say that Luke and Sierra had an amazing night.


Hi!! Ok so I know I have been posting a lot lately but that's going to start slowing down. I start my first job tomorrow (Monday June 6th). It's only a part time job but I still will have less time to write so I may only publish a chapter a week maybe two chapters. I don't know honestly.

Also I just wanted to say there is going to be some drama in these next few chapters so get ready.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great rest of their day!!

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