Chapter 4

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Date: Saturday, February 19th

It's been a little over a month since Sophia got her cast off and today is the day she has her gymnastics meet. To say she was excited was an understatement.

"Come on Luke and Sierra. You are going to make me late and I don't want to be late," Sophia whined standing by the front door.

"Calm down, Sunshine. We are coming," Luke said walking down the stairs with Sierra. The guys and Crystal were meeting them at the gym.

"You guys are so slow," Sophia said walking out the door with Luke and Sierra behind her.

"Say's the girl who almost always makes me late to work because she can't get up," Luke said laughing at her.

"That's different for two reasons. One you know I hate waking up early in the mornings and two I'm your little sister. I'm supposed to be difficult and make you late," She said with some sassiness

"Oh ok. I see how it is," Luke said.


They pulled up to the gym and Sophia immediately took off running inside.

"Dang she didn't even give me time to say good luck," Luke said looking at Sierra.

"She's just excited is all. I think it's cute honestly," Sierra said.

"I'm glad that she has something she is passionate about," Luke said. Sierra nodded.

They both got out of the car and walked inside. They saw the guys sitting in the stands and walked over to them.


Sophia did a flawless routine on the Balance beam and Floor. She is now getting ready to do her routine on the vault. This was her least favorite apparatus.

"She's actually really good," Calum said.

"I can see her making it to the olympics," Michael said.

"She got her skills from our mom. Our mom actually had the chance to make it to the olympics before she got a devastating injury that ended her career. Sophia had been training with our mom since she was three years old. They were both looking forward to this year when sophia would finally be old enough to qualify for the olympics. Our mom would be so proud of how far she has come since last year and how close she actually is," Luke said starting to tear up a little.

Their mom passed away almost a year ago due to cancer. Sophia took it hard but she never stopped doing gymnastics because whenever she does it she feels close to her mom more than anything else.

"On vault is now Sophia Hemmings," The announcer said.

All the guys, Crystal and Sierra cheered for her.

Sophia was nervous but she knew this routine in her sleep so she knew she wouldn't mess up. She stood at the beginning of the line. She looked up at Luke who gave her a smile. She counted to three in her head and took off running. When she got closer to the vault she got prepared to do a front handspring with a one-and-a-half twist. The minute her hands touch the springboard she felt pain in her right arm. She wasn't even able to do the half twist but she still landed on her feet. Her coach noticed that she was crying and immediately ran over.

The boys watched what was going on with confusion.

"She may have just stunned herself. I know the vault is her least favorite thing to do," Luke said brushing it off. But deep down he felt like something was wrong but he hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

"Sophia, are you okay?" Her coach said and sophia immediately shook her head.

Her coach saw that she was in pain and became concerned. She asked, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts so bad," Sophia said with sobs in between her words, "please get my brother." It hurt her so much worse than the last time she broke it.

Calum was looking at her from the stands and he immediately knew something wasn't right.

"Luke, mate I don't think she stunned herself. I think something is wrong," Calum said with concern in his voice.

"Oh shit," Luke said and immediately got up and ran down the stairs with Calum right behind him. The other guys stayed put because they didn't want to overwhelm her.

When he got closer to her he could hear her coach say, "Sophia, your brother is here now."

Sophia immediately looked up at Luke and said, "It hurts so bad."

Luke started to panic a little. He said to her quickly, "Soph, what hurts?"

"My arm. Luke it hurts so much worse than the last time," She said, sobbing more and fell down to the floor. She felt weak.

Luke looked at Calum and then looked back down at Sophia and said,"Soph, why don't you let Cal take a look at it?" She just nodded her head.

Calum walked over and crouched down to her. He gently grabbed her arm and immediately knew she broke it, again.

"Ok kiddo, it looks like you broke your arm again. We need to get you to the hospital so I can get an X-ray and put a cast on you," He said softly. He knew once she wasn't in pain anymore she was going to be devastated that she has to take another six weeks off.


Calum did the Xray and put a cast on her. He also gave her some pain meds. She was starting to feel a little bit. Calum and Luke could see that she was starting to realize what happened.

She looked at Calum and Luke and asked, "How did this happen? I have done that routine a million times and not once have I messed up."

"I don't know, soph. Normally I don't see many people who break their arms by doing that. Usually it's just a sprain. The only solution I can come up with is that you put too much pressure on it," Calum said looking at her softly.

Soph looked at Calum with a sad expression and said, "I can't train for another six weeks, right?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, kiddo."

She started crying again. Luke's heart broke. There was nothing he could do to make his little sister feel better.

"Soph, look at me. I know it sucks that you can't train especially after you just broke your arm 2 months ago and had to take a six week break. I know you feel like that the one thing you care about you can't do. But in six weeks you will be healed and will be able to go back to training. It's not that long. You are fine and it's going to be ok," Luke said looking at Sophia.

Sophia got up from the bed and hugged Luke.

"I love you so much," She said.

"I love you too, Sunshine," He said, hugging her back.

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