38 | mollie makes her move

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THE MORE TIME WENT ON the more Mollie felt like she was in a relationship without the label

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THE MORE TIME WENT ON the more Mollie felt like she was in a relationship without the label. Harry practically lived with her at this point, often choosing to drop in at hers after a shoot, even if he didn't spend the night — which he often ended up doing.

Harry was her lock screen on her phone and pinned on her messages and the first person she would think to call in most situations. And she wouldn't hesitate to call him, even over the most stupid of situations like a massive spider invading her bathroom or crying over a dog video that she'd stumbled upon on the internet. She looked forward to seeing him after a couple of days without seeing each other in person. She loved hearing about his day, however deathly boring he insisted it was and she was more than happy to sit and listen to him ramble on about his plane crash documentaries, even if, being a bit of a nervous flier, they scared her a little bit (so Harry would always make sure to leave the scariest stories out.)

Harry's real laugh had quickly become one of Mollie's favourite things in the whole world. She adored that she could make him genuinely laugh. Not many people could, but she could and it made her feel ridiculously special.

She'd grown to love every single part of him. From his dirty, blonde hair that flopped across his face in the most attractive way possible, to the blue of his eyes that seemed to pull her in whenever she looked in them, to his grandad sweaters and pyjama bottoms that he insisted was 'fashion.'

Mollie always felt safe with Harry, she always felt respected and protected and as though she could be herself around him, she didn't have to hide any part of herself around him, she was free to just be Mollie. She could laugh how she laughed without being laughed at and she could talk passionately and excitedly about something she loved or was looking forward to without being shut down or told she was being too over excitable. Equally, she felt that if she just wanted to lie down on the sofa with no make up on and just do nothing, not really saying much to each other, he'd still look at her with the same affection in his eyes as always.

They did things together that couples do. Besides the obvious, that they'd been sleeping together and spent a significant amount of time cuddled up on the sofa watching shitty tv together, they did things like go to the shops together to pick up their weekly groceries. Harry would go along to get Mollie's nails done with her, quietly sitting in the corner of the little local salon where she was a proud regular and waiting for her to get her new set of acrylics on, just for the excuse of getting to walk her there and back, and be the first to see her nails of course. Mollie would be first to notice when Harry had had a haircut and would also he first to compliment him on it, which made him flustered every single time. They knew what foods the other liked or didn't like and would always try each others meals when they went out for food, which would sometimes end up with them swapping plates.

Harry's favourite picture was the one he took of Mollie when they went for a walk together on Christmas Day. She was huddled up in her winter coat, a hat and scarf, looking all cozy as they sat down on the edge of the beach and let the dogs run round and play. Her cheeks were rosy from the bitter cold Guernsey December, only seeming to make her eyes glimmer brighter and her smile seem softer. Harry wasn't the biggest fan of talking, but he was certain that he could go on for hours about how much he loved her smile. He'd felt so in love with her that day and the feelings had only grown since.

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