47 | the only problem with pub golf

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"MOLLIE." Harry whispered, giving her body a light shake, "fancy waking up?"

"No you bastard, piss off." Mollie mumbled, groaning as she scrunched the duvet up higher and kept her eyes shut in the hopes of Harry letting her go straight back to sleep.

Scrunching up his face, he shook her awake once more, "please wake up. I think we might have a problem... listen."

Furrowing her eyebrows at the tone of his voice, Mollie began to feel a bit worried and sat up slightly. That's when she heard it. The loud laughter of people.

Specifically rather recognisable laughs of Cal, Ethan and Lux.

Eyes wide, she locked them with Harry, who had the same expression on his face. "Shit." She whispered, "shit, shit, shit! You said they'd only be back after I was meant to come round."

"That's what was meant to happen, Mol, I swear! I don't know when they came in, the bastards." Harry shook his head, wracking it for ideas on how to get themselves out of the situation, preferably without completely exposing their relationship to the three people who they knew would have the biggest reactions.

Jumping out of bed, Mollie grabbed her bra off the floor and pulled it on, turning round to let Harry clip it together at the back as he mumbled the offer. Once he'd finished fumbling with the clips, he slowed down and ran his hands down her back where they settled at her hips, planting a soft kiss to the back of her shoulder.

After a moment of thinking, Harry shrugged and whispered, "I mean...we could just tell them." He suggested boldly.

Turning round to face him, Mollie's eyes met his in a confused staring contest. She furrowed her eyebrows into a frown, "like this?" She questioned incredulously, looking down at herself wearing only her bright pink bra and some of Harry's shorts.

"With clothes on, you silly bitch." Harry chuckled lightly, secretly excited that she was even playing with the idea of telling their friends.

Scrunching up her face as she grew nervous, Mollie was unsure, "I dunno, Harry. Right before a drinking video? What if they don't react how we want them to? It could completely ruin your video."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I think they'll be fine with it. We're happy, right? That's all they should care about."

"We are happy." Mollie smiled, wrapping her arms round his neck as he took a step towards her, "I just think we should wait until after the video. I'd hate for someone to accidentally say something when they're drunk and the whole world to find out. To be honest I'm shocked we haven't been caught yet. They found Faith with just the colour of her bloody nails for fucks sake."

With a small sigh, Harry pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling down at her softly, "okay." He agreed, "we'll wait."

"We'll tell everyone soon enough." Mollie promised him, gently, "I want to tell everyone. Just when we can guarantee they'll be happy for us."

𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ➳ 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙩𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙬 <3Where stories live. Discover now