25. Tattoo

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On the road

Lydia and Allison are sitting at the front of the car, your sat in the back seat with your legs crossed, Lydia's driving.

"It's not a double date ! It's a group thing" Lydia groaned in annoyance.

"Do they know it's a group thing ? Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there" Allison folded her arms over her chest in amusement.

"You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months ?" Lydia seemed to be incredulous by Allison's question.

"Did you ? I mean, after ..." Allison trails off.

"Do not say his name" Lydia warned her as the huntress tossed the car manual at you.

You used your werewolf speed, catching the object before the book had managed to hit you in the face.

"Hey ! What was that for ?" You placed it on the empty seat beside you.

"Not paying attention ... And speaking of dating, have you talked to Erica lately ?" She turned her questioning onto you.

"I don't want to overstep. Erica told me that she was leaving Beacon Hills and I agreed to let her go" You shrugged.

"... Was that before or after you told her you loved her ?" Lydia smirked.

"Can we not talk about this ? I'm still nursing a broken heart" You chuckled as the Allison holds her hands in mocking surrender.

"Is he okay ? I mean, did everything work out ?" She leant back in her seat, moving the topic of conversation back to Jackson.

"Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him werewolf 101, like how to not randomly kill people during a full moon" Lydia continues to drive along the empty road.

"So, then, you've talked to him ?" Allison taps her fingers against the dashboard.

"Uh, not since he left for London" Lydia makes sure to get her facts straight.

"You mean, since his dad moved him to London" Allison corrects the strawberry blonde.

"Whatever he left. And seriously ? An American werewolf in London ? Like, that's not gonna be a disaster" She scoffs as you bite your lip.

"So, you're totally over him ?" Allison's eyes flick up to the bright red light.

"Would I be going on a double date if I wasn't ? Yes, it is a double date" Lydia sighed, realizing what she had just given away.

"... It's not an orgy ! You'll live" Lydia stops at a red light.

Allison laughs at Lydia's remark, locking eyes with Scott.

"Oh, my God ! Oh, my God ! Oh, my God ! I can't see him, not now !" Allison slides down in her seat, awkwardly.

"Lydia, go ! Just go !" Allison pleads with her best friend.

"But the light -" Lydia gestures to the red light.

"There's nothing coming, Lyds. Can't you see how uncomfortable she is" You leant forward in your seat.

"Hey !" Stiles winds the window down.

"You're so lucky that I love both of you" Lydia drives, ignoring the red light.

Allison released a deep breathe of relief, you glance back at Stiles stationary jeep.

"You all right ?" Lydia sighed, turning to face her best friend.

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