27. Fireflies

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First National Bank

Last night

Scott and Allison are talking about her mother, Victoria, when you walk back around the corner.

Carrying Erica's lifeless body in your arms, Allison gives you an apologetic smile as does Scott.

You couldn't prevent every tear from escaping, a single tear fell down your cheek, landing on Erica's dead body in your arms.

Beacon Hills Swimming Pool

You climbed out of your car, alarmed by the phone call you'd received moments ago from your best friend.

"Lydia ... are you okay ?" You found her immediately, spotting the dead body.

"I'm okay - kinda. That over there ... ? Not okay" She shakily explained to you.

"How do you even find him ? I thought you said that you were going to the store" You position your hands on both of her shoulders, soothingly.

"I did too but next thing I know, I ended up here" Her voice cracked.

"Okay. I'm gonna call Stilinski" You take your phone out of your back pocket.

"No. Please, don't call Stiles" She shakes her head as her hand gently grips ahold of your wrist.

"I meant Sheriff Stilinski, Lyds ... Stiles is terrible when it comes to this stuff. He's squeamish with blood" You reassured.

"Oh -- I already called 911" Lydia didn't release her hold on your hand.

You take her hands in yours, grimacing from the partially healed wounds Cora and Boyd had inflicted on your body in the vault.

"What's wrong ? Y/N, you're bleeding ?" She noticed your blood on her hands.

"It's from Boyd and Cora" You winced in pain.

"Who's Cora ?" Lydia hugged her jacket closer to her body.

"My cousin. We thought she died in the Hale House fire" You explained to her as simply as you possibly could.

Your best friend falls completely silent for a few seconds, noticing a silver ring on the victims finger.

"What's that ?" She stepped towards the dead body.

"What's what, Lyds ?" You follow Lydia's lead.

"The ring on his finger" Her eyes trailed to the engraving of the word, shining in the moonlight.

"Um, it says purity. Isn't that something virgins tend to wear ?" You enquired.

"Yeah. It shows that they haven't had sex before so they're as pure as they can be ... It's not related to this guys murder though, right ?" Lydia examined the ring before turning to face you.

"No. I doubt it. Let me call Scott. This is either Boyd and Cora or the Alpha's. The throats been clawed out -- It's got to be a werewolf" You dialled Scott's number.

He finally picks up after you'd rang him for the sixth time.

"Y/N ? Have you seen Boyd and Cora ?" Derek questioned, Scott puts the phone on the speaker setting.

"No but ... we've found a dead body" You listened out for police sirens.

"What do you mean we ? Where did you find it ? Who did it ?" Scott bombarded you with questions.

"Me and Lydia. At the public swimming pool. I think, it might have been Boyd and Cora" You answered all three of his enquires.

"Can you get a little closer ? Check that it is claw marks and not from a weapon" Derek instructed you.

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