32. Visionary Part 1

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Derek's Loft


"Are you sure we should tell them ?" You sat across from your father.

"It's time, Y/N. Derek's missing" Peter hands you a small wallet sized photo.

"No, he's grieving. We've lost a lot since the Alpha's got here, Erica, Boyd ... who's next ?" You examined the image he had handed to you.

"Do you recognise her ?" He avoided the question, gesturing to the girl, the photo was faded but you could still clearly see her face.

"Yeah but I don't know why" You passed the Polaroid image back to your father.

"Her name was Paige Krasikeva. She was Derek's first love" He informed you.

"She was his Erica" You whispered her name, unable to say it louder, her death haunts you as does Boyd's.

"That's why he has blue eyes" He added, you grab ahold of his wrist, locking eyes with him, listening to his heart, he isn't lying.

You released your hold moments later, sliding on your leather jacket, preparing to leave the room.

"Where are you going ?" Peter blocked your exit with his body.

"To drown my sorrows in alcohol" You attempted to exit the room for a second time, he blocked you again.

"You're seventeen" He watched you pull out your driving licence.

"I know a few guys. They don't care if you're underage" You reluctantly take a seat on the bed, knowing he wouldn't let you leave anytime soon.

"You need to give in to your emotions. It's not healthy bottling them all up" He reasoned with you.

"Since when do you care what's best for me. You forced me to kill an innocent person, that's why my eyes are blue. You might be my father but just because we share the same blood, doesn't mean I see you as family" You pushed past him.

"I could've killed her" Peter called after you.

"Who ? There's a long list of people that could be, Peter" You stopped at the door, remembering that Cora and Stiles were downstairs.

"Lydia ... you're best friend" He explains who he was referring to.

"Why didn't you kill her ?" You folded your arms over your chest, leaning in the doorway.

"Because I knew how much she meant to you" Peter reasoned with you.

"That's why everyone I love gets killed -- I'm scared to fall in love again because I know how dangerous it is for someone to love me. You died, Erica died, Boyd died. Loving me is like signing a death sentence for yourself" You left the room, Peter following close behind.


"What was he like ?" Stiles asked Cora about her brother.

"A lot like Scott, actually. A lot like most teenagers,-- unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers ..." Peter joined you, Stiles and Cora downstairs.

"And so what happened ? What changed him ?" Stiles faced Peter.

"Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men ... a girl" He informed the Sheriff's son.

"You're telling me some girl broke his little heart ? That's why Derek is the way he is ?" Stiles scoffed.

"Do you remember Derek, before he was an Alpha, had blue eyes ? Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes ?" He's going to tell them the truth whether you like it or not.

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