59. Monstrous

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Beacon County Sheriff's Station

You and Parrish are in Sheriff's Stilinski's office, discussing what'd happened at Eichen House.

"What do we do now ?" You enquired, your eyes flickering from Parrish to the gun on the table.

"I switched the guns when I gave it to you. I gave you my service weapon. I told the Sheriff the truth except I told him I shot Brunski" He informed you.

"Why are you helping me, Parrish ? You barely know me" You questioned him.

"You're right but we're in this together from now on. We have to watch each other's backs. If that means covering for you, then I'm all in" Parrish held his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm in too ... Can you send Lydia in, please ?" You shook his hand, he nodded.

She entered the room, closing the door behind her, you held your arms open, she walked straight into your embrace, burying her face in your chest.

"Are you okay ? He didn't hurt you, did he ?" You stroke her hair gently, kissing the crown of her head.

"No, thanks to you" She nodded to the gun on the Sheriff's desk.

"Thanks to Parrish, you and Stiles are safe. He's the one who figured out you were in danger" You tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"And you both came running to save the day" Lydia smiled.

"It's part of my charm, Lyds" You smiled, she shook her head fondly.

"What did she say ?" She turned to face the Sheriff upon his arrival, he placed his phone down on the desk.

"Hard to tell. There were words -- I'm not sure there were actual sentences" Sheriff Stilinski informed the two of you.

"So nothing" You concluded, the Sheriff nodded.

"I think we need a psychologist" Lydia rubbed her temple.

"Or a medium" The Sheriff suggested.

"Is she even competent enough to be charged with something ?" Lydia sighed.

"If Meredith is the Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale vault; competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her; and competent enough to create a hit-list and pay out money for its completion. This girl's practically a criminal mastermind" Sheriff Stilinski corrects her.

"There's got to be a reason why she would do this ..." Lydia offered.

"Yeah, there was a reason. She wanted all of the supernaturals in Beacon Hills dead" You informed her.

"I'm only interested in the why if it tells me the how" The Sheriff shrugged.

"You mean how to stop it" Lydia nods.

"After what happened to you and Scott tonight, this thing's still going. The payments could be automatic. And, as long as the killers are getting paid -- and paid very well -- that list is gonna keep getting smaller" Sheriff Stilinski warned.

"What happened to you and Scott ?" Lydia turned her attention to you.

"Someone tried to burn us alive" You shrug, she rose an eyebrow in suprise.

"We don't just need to stop the Deadpool --" Lydia realised.

"-- We need to stop the money" The Sheriff nodded.

"Which means we need to figure out who has it" You sighed.

The Sheriff exits the office, leaving you alone with Lydia.

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