42. Silverfinger

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Argent Apartment

You and Scott are sitting across from Chris in his office, Allison is cleaning the wound on his forehead and Isaac stands in the corner, arms folded over his chest.

"His eyes were glowing ..." Scott checks with Argent, he nodded his head.

"There was something almost ritualistic about it -- like it was looking right into his soul" Chris explained to the group.

"Yeah, it did the same thing to me" You agreed with him.

"That's what they did to everyone" Allison finished cleaning her father's injury, shifting her attention to you.

You gave her a tight-lipped smile, intense pain searing through your abdomen, the wound was already trying to stitch itself up.

"Not everyone. They only came after the werewolves" Scott pointed out.

"And Lydia" Allison added.

"Anyone with a connection to the supernatural" Argent winced, Allison gave him an apologetic smile.

"Then who was the guy they went after in Japan ?" Isaac speaks up for the first time since he'd arrived.

"A Kumicho -- a Yazuka boss. It was my first gun deal. I was only eighteen, and it was supposed to be a simple exchange ... Except Gerard left out the minor detail of the buyers being Yakuza. He wanted to see if I could adapt in the moment. Testing my ability to, uh ... improvise" Chris runs through details of the events.

"Or, your ability to survive" Allison realized what her grandfather had tried to do to his own son.

"The moment the sun came down, it was like they just materialized out of the shadows. They had swords -- not curved like katanas, but straight, black steel, like ninjatos" He continued to narrate.

"What did they want ?" Isaac enquired.

"To get to the Kumicho. They cut down every living thing in their way" Argent cleared his throat.

"Did they mark him like they did to us ?" You aren't sure whether you want an answer, based on his grim expression.

"Not exactly ..." Chris knew you'd be able to interpret the new information, better than any of the others could.

"What was he ?" Scott realized that the man must have been a supernatural of some sort.

"I don't know. But, there might be someone who does. There were a few others who survived that night. One of them was a man named Katashi. They called him "Silverfinger" because of an unusual prosthetic ... And it looked like he was getting ready to take them all on himself. I've known for a while Katashi was in the country. I spent yesterday tracking him down" He gestured to the wound one Katashi's men had gifted to him.

"Didn't look like he wanted to be found" Isaac ran his fingers through his hair.

"Not particularly, no" Argent agreed.

"You think he knows what they are ? Or what they want ?" Scott eyed a wooden box, positioned ontop of Chris's desk.

"Maybe ..." He unhooked the opening of the container.

"What if he doesn't wanna talk ?" Allison rested her hand on your arm, leaning against your body.

"What if he doesn't remember you ? It's been a long time, Chris" You pointed out to the skilled hunter.

"He'll remember this. I know I didn't kill it -- I'm not sure you can. But, I slowed it down long enough for us to get out of there" He revealed a broken mask from one of the entities.

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