64. Dreamcatchers

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On the road

You carefully examined the photos Braeden  sent to you, zooming in to get a closer look.

"What's that ?" Kira enquired, you showed her the phone, her eyes widened.

"It's something Braeden sent me about the Desert Wolf" You shrug, shoving your phone into your pocket, she nodded, understanding that you didn't want to discuss it further.

"Okay. Hands on the wheel at 10:00 and 2:00" Kira instructed Malia.

"Actually, the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00. At 10:00 and 2:00, a deployed airbag could break your thumbs" Lydia corrected her.

"Mine would heal ..." Malia shrugged.

"Save your strength ! And try not to destroy your beautiful new car. 9:00 and 3:00 ..." Lydia gently moved her hands to the correct position.

"All right. Just ease into it. Good, good. Okay. There you go" Kira smiled, Malia drove along the road.

"Please shut up" Malia groaned.

"No problem. Shutting up" Kira nodded, Malia ends up driving on the wrong side of the road.

"Uh, other way ... Other way" Kira gripped the back of the headrest.

"Malia ?" You grabbed the handle, attempting to gain her attention.

"Uh, other way" Kira urged, Malia turned the steering wheel, driving towards a tree on the dirt track.

"We are now off the road. This is not the road ..." Lydia informed.

"For the love of God, Malia, go the other way" You braced yourself for impact.

"Malia, please go the other way" Kira pleads with her.

"What is that ? What is beeping ?" Malia searched for the source of the sound.

"The car's telling you not to run into that tree. Turn the wheel ! Malia !" Lydia braced herself for when the car hit the tree.

"And try to stay on the actual road ... Okay, sure ... Uh, this is called a U-turn" Kira sighed in relief.

"You said turn the wheel !" Malia shrugged, the car spun around in circles.

"Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas ..." Lydia suggested, Malia did as she was told, turning until she was on the right side of the road.

"Whoa !" Kira gasped, you glanced over at her, releasing your hold on the handle.

"Okay, just turn up here. No, no, no ... Slowly. Slowly. Go" Lydia calmly instructed.

Kira hummed, you leant your head back against the headrest.

"Anybody want to tell me where we're going ?" Malia enquired.

"The school. We can finish with parking practice in the lot" Lydia informed her.

"Lyds, we're actually heading downtown ..." You gestured to the bridge.

"What ?" Lydia glanced up in confusion.

"If we want to go to the school, we should do a U-turn ... Shouldn't we ?" Kira questioned.

"No. Keep going" Lydia shook her head.

"You sure ?" Malia continued along the road.

"Yes. We're almost there" Lydia nodded, Malia stopped the car.

Downtown Beacon Hills

You, Kira, Malia and Lydia climb out of the car, noticing the damaged prison transport van in the middle of the road, a hand reached up, indicating that someone was still alive.

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