30. Motel California

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⚠️ : Suicide.

Y/N's Apartment/On the road

"Hey" You greeted Cora over the phone.

"Oh, thank God. Boyd told me what was happening to you. Are you okay ?" She bombarded you with questions.

"I'm fine, Cor, I promise. Kali stabbed me with a wolfsbane infused pole. That's why I wasn't healing -- So, I burnt it out. I didn't know what type she used so that was the safest option" You explained to her.

"That was a good idea ... Me and Peter went to check out the mall the other day but -- the bodies were gone. Ennis and Derek had just vanished" She informed you.

"How could that have happened ? It's not like they like Derek enough to save his ass" You saw the motel sign on the distance.

"We don't know, either. Where are you ? I can come get you" Cora suggested.

"No. It's fine. We're staying at a motel the school paid for" You assured her.

"Okay What's it called ? I'll meet you there and we can share a room. Just like old times" She grabs your car keys.

"It's the Glen Capri Motel. Take my car. And please don't get arrested on your way here. You don't have a driving license, do you ?" You shoved the gauze you'd used on your, now healed, wound into your bag.

"Yeah, I do, actually. It's just expired. That's what happens when you're locked in a bank vault for three months. I've not exactly had time to get it renewed" The remark made you bite your tongue, you knew arguing with her wouldn't get you anywhere.

"Whatever. Just drive safe. It's a good four or five hours from Beacon Hills. I'll tell Coach my room mates gone to the rest room or something" You ended the call after saying goodbye to your cousin.

Glen Capri Motel

You, Scott, Lydia, Stiles and Allison climb out of the school bus, stretching your joints.

"... I've seen worse" Scott does his best to sound optimistic.

"Where have you seen worse ?" Stiles exaspertedly tightens the strap on his bag.

"Listen up ! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves ! You'll be pairing up -- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants ! Got that ? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves !" Coach warns, holding a handful of keys in the air.

You took a key from him as do the rest of the group including Scott and Allison.

"Lydia ... Are you okay ?" You stopped to observe her, Allison turns to face Lydia.

"I don't like this place" She admitted.

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night" Allison chuckled.

"A lot can happen in one night ..." Lydia reluctantly followed you and Allison.

Y/N and Cora's Room

You flopped down on the bed, awaiting Cora's arrival, the silence was deafening but you found it oddly comforting.

A knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts, you'd called Cora a few hours ago so, it's probably her.

You opened the door, smiling at your cousin when she entered, putting her bag down beside one of the beds.

"Hey. Thanks for coming. It makes me feel better knowing your here. This place is really creeping me out" You hug her, your skin's pale and clammy.

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