71. Status Asthmaticus

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Beacon Hills Animal Clinic

"What do you mean no ?" Liam stood toe to toe with his Alpha, you're now sitting on the floor with Hayden laying against your body.

"Liam, look at her. She's too weak. It will kill her. We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it's actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her" Scott reasoned.

"It saved mine" Liam argued.

"You know that was different. You were hanging off a ledge" Scott corrected him.

"You promised. You said you'd do everything you could" Liam's voice broke.

"Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her" Scott pointed out.

"Y/N, please, do something" Liam turned to you.

"Scott's right. We have to try something else. The bite should be our last option" You agreed with Scott.

"There has to be ... There has to be ..." Scott gasps for air, struggling to breathe.

"Scott !" Theo throws him his inhaler, McCall shakes it, taking a puff of air.

"There's another way to save her" Scott informed his Beta.

"Guys, I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a Werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this. We need to do something" Theo reasoned.

Early the next morning

"Thanks for coming" You hold the door open for Melissa to enter.

"I'm not gonna let another kid die" Melissa walked past you, you closed the door behind her.

"Okay, what's that ?" Liam watched Melissa hook Hayden up to a machine.

"It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood. But, the problem is ... is that it can injure the kidneys, and Hayden only has one to begin with, so ..." Melissa explained.

"Hey, you're hurting her !" Liam tightly grabs Melissa by the wrist.

"And you're hurting me" Melissa rose an eyebrow, Liam removed his hand, stepping away from her.

"Sorry ..." Liam apologised.

"Hey guys ? Remember, we're here to save a life, not kill each other" Theo reminded.

"It's the full moon. We can feel it, even during the day. And, it's a supermoon" Scott explains.

"Yeah. I'm the most experienced here and I can tell its having an effect on me" You nod in agreement.

"What, is that supposed to make you guys, like, super strong ? Super aggressive ?" Melissa enquired.

"Both" You informed her.

Theo and Scott are sitting outside on the sofa, you and Liam are with Hayden in the back.

"Did you mean what you said ?" Liam spoke up.

"About what ?" You take Hayden's hand, taking another dose of her pain.

"That you'd give her the bite" He explained.

"As a last resort, yes. But Liam, you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Even if I give it to her, I can't guarantee that she'll survive" You warned him.

"I know ... Do you remember what it felt like ? Your first love ?" Liam enquired.

"Her name was Erica" You nodded.

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