Chapter four Royal

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 We're down 4-3 thanks to Apple's amazing skills. She had to have played soccer in college no way someone with this amount of talent didn't get D1 scholarships.

They just made they're fourth goal so we're lining back up. We decided that we'd play to five so if they get this next point they win. After our group huddles Milo steps up into the circle and Carmella comes and stands in front of me. Milo taps the ball with his toe signaling people can move. Carmel sprints to Milo and does a small roll around half circle in front of him guarding the ball from us but also touching the ball so Milo can touch it again.

I make sure to follow her this time so they can't try any funny business. Milo passes the ball to Carmella who starts running straight at me. When she's a good few feet away I start taking a few step forwards. She still is not slowing down. I'm confused as hell. She approaches me and does a rainbow right over my six foot two ass. And I, so flabbergasted just hear the sound of the ball hitting the back of the net rolling.

Carmella and her team celebrated their victory quite loudly. Carmella's first thing was to holler 'Suck it loser' while poking my chest. Then proceeded to go give her dog snuggles.

Around seven everyone started packing up so now it's just me and Apple sitting on an empty beach.

"You know you're kind of a bitch." Carmella says.

"Excuse me?"

"Like for the love of God, why were you so goddamn rude when we first met?"

"I'm sorry if it came off as rudeness, I was just concerned for the people."

"Did I look like a goddamn stalker? I was swimming in the water"

"You were watching them."

"Yes, it's a little thing called observing."

"Looked stalkery."

"How about we start fresh?" I ask.

"How about you suck your own cock."

"Please women, I'm trying to be friends, we will be living next door to each other for the next three months."

"Fine, how about truth or truth?"


"Truth or truth?" She asks completely seriously even though I can literally only pick truth.

"Gee, I don't know, truth?"

"How long have you lived here?"

"Since I was four, my mom had gotten sick and she always loved the lake so dad decided that for her last few months she could enjoy it by the water. And so I've lived here ever since."

"What about you?"

"A full two days." She smiles at her smart remark.

"No you dummy. Where are you living slash from?"

"I can't say it."

"Why not?"

"You'll make fun of me."

"I promise you Apple I won't make fun of you."

"I am from and am currently living in Maine."

"That fishing state?"

"I don't get why you people call it 'the fishing state' y'all must have gotten your info from the wrong person. My family and I went to Florida a very long time ago and someone there called Maine that too but while we were there Charlie went fishing and caught a huge fish. Five pounder if I remember correctly."

"Interesting, I have no idea why we call it the fishing state."

"What town?"

"A very teenie tiny town near the mid coast."

"So one small water town to the next."

"Something like that, but I think this one's better." She says looking out at the sunset.

Damn what a beautiful sight, and I'm not talking about the sunset.

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