Chapter thirty three Carmella

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 I love Mary Poppins, I know almost all the songs from one and two. Though I'd say I liked one a tad bit more than the two.

I can't believe I didn't get an invite. At least maybe a text or something. My own brother had gotten married. Who was his best man? Who's Iris? Is she nice? Does she love him? Does he love her? I haven't even talked to this woman who is now my sister-in-law and could bare my niece and or nephew. Will I be the kids only aunt? Will I even be a part of their lives? Does Iris have any siblings? Is she pretty? Will she live up to the expectations I have for someone to be with my brother?

It's been a few weeks since the phone call and Eden, Clara, Serena, and Ocean have all sense left. Royal and I are still steadily in the friendzone.

"You know, we never talked about what you're going to do about the cookout."

"What is there to talk about?"

"Liza told you to bring me."

"I'll tell her we broke up or something."

"I want to go."

"No you don't, mom's side of the family is crazy."

"Then you'll need back up to make you stay sane."

"You're not coming Royal."

"I think I am."

"I think you're wrong."

"Why can't I come?"

"I already told you."

"No, you were making an excuse. What's the real reason? Are you embarrassed of me?"

"Absolutely not, and there's nothing to be embarrassed about, were just friends."

"Not what Liza thinks, she thinks I'm completely smitten with you."

"Oh right, why on god's green earth would you tell her we're dating?"

"Seemed more reasonable than telling her I was a friend but a little more than a friend but a little less than a boyfriend."

"So you should have said friend."

"Seeming as though her reaction when I told her it's a recent thing. I don't think she would have reacted better to friend."

"Good point. What's today's date?"

"July thirtieth."

"The what?"


"Yeah yeah, I heard you dummy. Shit, that gives us three days. If you're coming, start packing, I'll see when the soonest flight to Maine is from here." I say getting up. I go to my house and start packing some stuff.

"Wave, you wanna go for a ride? Yeah, does riding sound fun?" I say scratching behind her ear. The next flight to Maine from here is in three hours.

"Hey siri, call gilipollas(dickhead)."

"Hello." Royal says, answering immediately.

"Hey, the next flight to Maine is in three hours."

"Ok, I'm almost all packed."

"You packed some warmer clothes right? It might be warm during the day but not like here, and it'll cool off fast at night. Also you owe me three hundred dollars because I bought our tickets, and what else what else, oh we're staying at the cottage where the cook out will be on sunday. Our flight is at four a.m. on Monday. I think that covers everything, meet me outside in like a half hour."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye." I say before hanging up.

We get through all the security and then go sit for a half hour before our plane gets called.

"What seats are we?" Royal asks.

"First class."


"I got Wave, we can't ride back there."

"Now wonder the two hour flight was three hundred."

"It wasn't, it was two hundred, thanks for the hundred boyfriend." I say playfully.

"It's been a while since I've left this little ole town."

"Yeah I bet."

"What about you, you travel a lot?"

"Oh yeah, tons. After high school I took a gap year and went to France with Eden. Then I came back for a few weeks but I hadn't had a place to stay when I got home so I stayed with my parents and that was a nightmare so I booked a flight out to Venezuela. Stayed there for a year and now I'm here, in Dragonfly, New York."

"So you know French?"

"Very vaguely. Eden is really good at it because her sister Emelia, also took a gap year after she graduated and so Emelia tutored E a bit before we left."

"I've always admired people who didn't worry about money and just explored."

"I did too, that's why I did it." I sigh.

The captain went over the intercom and told us to all buckle up and that the plane would be taking off soon.

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