Chapter twenty Carmella

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I fucking hate bars. They're basically a sex house. Within twenty minutes of my arrival some guy was standing behind me grinding my ass into him. Which I mean I don't hate but it's still gross. At least he's not an old hag, he looks quite well actually. Sandy blond mop hair, tanned skin, a nice smile, blue eyes. A basic beach boy.

It's almost midnight by the time I get off the makeshift dance floor. Just to be whisked away by someone grabbing my arm.

"Hey let go!"

"Sorry Carmel, I just need to talk to you." Cole says.

"Oh hey Cole. What's up?"

"Can you bring Royal home?"


"Amber, my wife called saying that Liam is throwing up. So I need to get back to the house and help out. Milo and Luna are already gone fucking somewhere and I need to leave now. I think I can run there in like five minutes." Cole says in a rush. As much as I don't want to take Royal home I can't say no to a helpless father.

"Yeah, sure no prob." I smile.

"You're not drunk right?"

"Nope only had a beer or two."

"Ok good good, well, see you soon." Cole says taking off running at the door.

"Fuck me." I whisper to myself.

After ten minutes of looking for Royal I finally find him slouching in a corner.

"Whatcha doing down there?" I ask. He looks up and grins like a little boy.

"Want to play tag?"

"No, I need to take you home."

"Tag." He says smiling widely.

"No, no tag."

"You're it!" He points. He acts like a child when he's drunk.

"Royal, we're not playing tag!" I holler after him as he speeds away. I take off chasing him. After five minutes of running I finally corner him.

"Come on, give up please." I beg.

"No," Royal says, diving past me.


I chase him for another five minutes and I finally tag him. He looks at me like a lion about to pounce. I guess it's my turn to run now. I take off straight through the crowd hoping to lose him in it. His large arms come around my waist as I laugh.

"Gotcha." He says into the crook of my neck.

"Not my fault you're like a baby giant."

"You smell good." He says lazily.

"Don't smell too bad yourself, mister." He doesn't, it's like a mixture of evergreens and mint. A perfect combination.

"So we both don't smell bad, that's a bonus." He says sarcastically.

"Always good to smell good."

"Agreed." We're still standing like this, his arms wrapped around my waist and his forehead on my shoulder. While I lean into him.

"Come on you big baby I need to get you home."

"You sound like a babysitter." He mumbles.

"For your drunk ass I am." We make our way to his car.

"Since when do you have a convertible?"

"I have lots of cars, they just don't all fit in my tiny driveway. So most of them are at Auntie Lo's."

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