Chapter fifteen Eden

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I thought Royal was good. He passed the TV show with flying colors but I guess the TV show was rigid.

"I'm going to kill him." Rena whispers shouts because Carmel just fell asleep.

"Not if I get to him first." Ocean chimes.

"There will be no killing none of you, understand?" Clara says. She's pretty much the mom of the group. But we all kind of take turns because even Clara needs a break from being the moma.

"We understand." I lazily say. Because well quite frankly we don't.

The nerve of this man. She was full on panic mode. Shaking and crying, breathing off beat, pulse racing a mile a minute. She refused to tell us what happened, just saying 'I like him but I despise him more' over and over again.

Whatever this man said he will pay for it.

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