Chapter thirty seven Carmella

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This is gonna be a rough chapter


Oh I'm so delighted you asked, bc I'm just pulling shit out my ass at this point! I barely even know what's happening/what I want to happen! I guess we'll find out together:)

~Lots of Love, Bridge<3

Right. his wife. She looks elegant, classy. Resting happy smile, bitchy, snarky. 

"I've heard so much about you Carmella." She says with a big smile.

"Funny, I didn't even know your name till mom called me a week ago." Her smile falters a little and she eyes Charlie out of the corner of her eye in a silent plea of help.

"Let's not discuss that Mel, I have a feeling it will only leave us each pissed at each other."

"Why because you didn't invite your own sister to your wedding?"

"Mel, shut up." I feel Royal go rigid behind me. Dear god please don't embarrass me. I place my hand on his, calming him down before he causes a scene. 

"No Charlie, I would like to know why you didn't invite me to your wedding."

"Don't give me that bull shit Mel, I did invite you to my wedding. You have no idea how excited I was to see you. I had optimism that even though you didn't RSVP you were still going to show up to my wedding. Yeah, I was sure as hell wrong." He lets out a fake laugh, rubbing his hand over the small beard he's growing.

"I didn't get an invitation."

"Yeah because you move twenty four seven. Hell, I called mom and she didn't even know where you were living."

Authors note: wtf is this........

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