Chapter twenty four Carmella

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If only the world was as peaceful as a quiet night.


We walked and talked all the way home. Learned about each other's past. Talked about random stuff.


"Will you stay with me tonight?" Royal asks as we stand on his doorstep.

"I can't guapo."(handsome)

"You can."

"But I can't. Like I said, your drunk Royal. I don't want you to do something you might regret."

"If I regret anything it'll be you not coming into my house. So please?" He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes.


"Yes." He says fist bumping the air.

"You're silly." I say with a laugh. He takes my hand and leads me inside. His is a bit bigger than mine or maybe it's just a different layout. Or maybe it's all the plants.

"I love plants." I say carelessly as I reach out and touch one of the leaves. I've always found it funny. I hate physical touch from most people but if I'm walking about, I'll reach out and touch anything and everything I can.

"Me too, always fascinated me that they too are also alive right now."

"When I was a kid I would cry when someone would cut down a tree. But I can never seem to keep a plant alive."

"How can you not keep a plant alive?"

"I don't know! I just can, I had three spider plants growing up and I killed each one. I've had eleven succulents and guess what, I killed them all."

"You are a bad plant mama."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"How about next Sunday we'll go to Autumn's Shop and buy whatever plant you want. Then I'll make sure it stays alive while you're here. And hopefully when it's time for you to leave you'll know how to keep the plant alive."

"Sounds perfect." I smile from my place on the couch.

"Want something to drink?" He asks opening the fridge.

"Water's fine."

"I've got Moxie if you want it?"

"Yes please." I say. He grabs a can out of the fridges, opens it then takes a sip. He quickly shakes his head in distaste.

"Yeah, it's still gross." He says handing me the can. He sits down next to me and turns the TV on.

"Did you know I dabble in a foreign language?"

"You dabble?"

"Yes, I dabble mela."

"What language is that?"

"Italian love."

"Oooo, now I'm really intrigued."

"Are you now?"

"Yes, very much so. Say something, a sentences, anything."

"Non vedo l'ora di scoparti crudamente, ascoltandoti urlare e gemere di puro piacere. Assolutamente stupendo mentre vieni su tutto il mio cazzo."

"What does that mean?" I ask in utter awe. I hope he said I'm beautiful or something sweet. He leans in like it's a secret and whispers.

"I said, you look lovely" He can't even pull off the joke before he starts laughing.

"What did you actually say?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh just some words.


"Too many questions, not enough time."

"Not enough time? What are you talking about?"

"Have you ever watched Mary Poppins?"




"They're quite lovely aren't they." He says as he starts speaking in an English accent.

"Yes, my mom used to love them."

"I think we should watch them right now, but only the good parts." He says

"Oh wait no, let's watch the good parts in Cars." How is this even proper thinking? Went from Mary Poppins to Cars.

"Ah, or we could watch Marvel. Ooo, or Lady Driver, that's always been a favorite. Or Teen Beach, or High School Musical, Or Camp Rock. Too many options." He's up and pacing at this point. I stand up and step into his path. He's so caught in a frenzy he doesn't stop moving until he runs into me. I don't even know how but we're falling, his leg got caught in mine and we did a little dance to try and stop from wiping out but that failed. His arms wrap around me and he twists us so that he takes the fall. We land on his wood floors with a solid thump. Royal lets out a groan as I roll off of him to the space next to him.

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