Chapter seven Carmella

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 HE KNEW, HE KNEW, HE KNEW, HE FUCKING KNEW. This man knows the fucking side walk rule. The second we reached the sidewalk he placed me away from the road so discreetly I barely even noticed. And he knows how to cook some good freaking meals. This man just keeps getting better and better.

Honey Bunches Of Oats(Group Chat)

Clara: The plane is landing in 20!

Ocean: Yay, okay!

Eden: Sweettakimushroom brosifina

Serena: What.

Clara: Couldn't tell ya.

Eden: Girl they are starving me on this plane. I have like three peanuts to eat. SAVE ME!!!

Me: Calm down, you will be here soon and I have tons of snacks plus a really hot neighbor.

Eden: WHAT?!?!

Me: Mhm you heard me, you will see trust me.

Me: Speaking of which, I need to go ask him for a ride. Toodles loves.

I put my phone in my pocket and go knock on Royals door. Then knock again.

"I'll be right there." A feminine voice says. Blue eyes, perfect body, perfect skin and beach blonde that I want to put in a meat grinder, hope it gets tangled and pulls her in. Is he really sleeping with this when he could be THIS.



"You must be.. The new girl in town!"

"Um yeah I guess that's me."  Who in the world is this bitch?

"Oh my gosh it's so nice to meet you, I'm Daisy."

"Hey Daisy I'm Carmel."

"I'll be right back and go get Roy for you." The flower leaves and I turn right around and start walking away. I see Cole and his wife sitting on the beach, so I walk over to them.

"Carmella." I hear someone behind me say. I look over my shoulder quickly and guess who the fuck it is? Yep that's right, him, the man of the hour.

"Just leave and go back to your little bimbo. She probably wants to suck you off." I say a tiny bit upset.

"Carmella Blair Howard. It's not what it looked like."

"Mmmm it looked pretty clear to me."

"Why do you even care? We met three days ago."

"You can get to know someone a lot in three days, Royal."

"She's my cousin! She brought me over some berries from her garden."

"Yeah yeah, what an amazing cover up."

I cross my arms over my chest and look toward the water. Royals hand comes around my crossed arms and he begins to pull me towards the houses.

"Where are we going, you big hunk of muscle."

"To see the berries."

We walk around the house to the side not facing the water. There's a car parked with the trunk open and tons and tons of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.


"What are you doing here this early anyway?"

"I was going to ask you if you could bring me to the airport, my friends are flying in anytime now."

"What do I get out of it?"

"Oh really? I don't know pretty boy, what? What would you like? Come on, spit it out. Yeah that's what I thought. You're going to get nothing. Your my friend as I am your friend, do nice things for each other."

"Hey Carmel. I went to get Roy but by the time we came back you were gone and that one was taking off after you."

"Hey, yeah so sorry I thought I saw ah.. Sand dollar."

"Hon we're on the lake there's no sand dollars." Daisy says before walking back into the house with more berries.

"I feel like a jerk now."

"I mean..."

"Hey! You're supposed to tell me it's all in my head and that I'm amazing."

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