Chapter thirty five Carmella

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"Mel who in God's name is that boy?"

"Thats my boyfriend, the one you talked to over the phone?" I swear she has memory loss.

"How much did you have to play him to do this, you know it's nothing to be ashamed if don't have a parnter or a path in life like your brother." Of course, 'like my brother'.

"Mom that is my boyfriend, I didn't have to pay him anything, he wanted to be here." She gives me a sceptical look and just nods her head very clearly not believing me.

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes then heading out the squeaky door. A car pulls in and out steps Lyra and Quinn. Lyra has always been pretty, gorgeous natural blonde curly hair, blue eyes. Sharp yet gentle feachers. Quinn is built like a hockey player, tall, lean, muscular, wide shoulders. Lyra looks over and her eyes catch on mine.

"Ella!!" She squeals as she comes running over and embracing me in a hug. "Oh my dear heavens I thought I'd never see you again. I have so much to catch you up on." Just then Quinn walks over with the most adorable baby I've ever seen.

"I think you might want to start with that." I say bobbing my head towards the infant. Lyra gently takes the baby from Quinn and cradles her. 

"Carmella this is Bea." She says as the baby wraps her tiny fingers around Lyras pointer finger.

"I didn't even know you were pregnant." I say as sadness washes over me. Its my fault I know that, that I don't know anything that's happening in my family's life. I look down at Lyras finger already knowing what's going to be there. A dainty little gold band with a tiny diamond.

"Your engaged." I smile faintly at the idea of Lyra and Quinn finally making a family for themselves. 

"Yeah we are, sometime in fall is when were thinking about having the wedding. We should be deciding on a date soon and then we'll send an invite to your residents." Lyra looks over my shoulder and makes a funny face. Hands wrap around my waist as a large body approaches. 

"Hey lovely."

"Hey hot shot." I smile up at him leaning into him. This is way to easy, us just acting like we're dating. He makes it so easy to forget that 'Hey Carmella when you go back to New York it will still be the same as in, You. Are. Not. Dating. Royal.'

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Royal, Carmella's boyfriend."

Authors note: 

Am I writing instead of doing the twenty pages of math I have to do? Yes, yes I very much so am.

~Lots of love, Bridge<3

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