Chapter thirty one Carmella

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 Unpopular opinion: all blue candy sucks and green candy is superior.

I wake up to the smell of him, which isn't a very manly scent. Which is weird, but he doesn't smell manly. He smells like marshmallows, in some crazy way. Like a warm oozey marshmallow that had just been perfectly roasted after a long day doing who knows what and you're completely exhausted. And you're just at ease with the world curled up into a camp chair watching the fire flicker in the air.

It might sound like I woke up all calmly, and I did, but I really need to pee. I stubble out of his bed still barely able to keep my eyes open. Where did he say the bathroom is? I peel my eyes open just enough to see the door to the bathroom. Then slowly zombie walk my way towards it. I open the door and am instantly hit with warmness and the smell of body wash. He's standing there with one arm braced against the wall and the other stroking his dick vigorously. I don't know how I didn't hear the water running, but I hadn't and this is the result. His pants pick up getting faster and faster, he lets out a low moan that sounds like he's saying Carmella, and then he stops. His hand stops moving and he just stands there motionlessly. The water trickles down from the showerhead on the ceiling which is something I've only dreamed of experiencing. I can only soat of see him dew to the fog on the glass.

"Either get in the shower with me or leave." His voice startled me, I don't know what to say.

"I know you're there Carmella."

"How long?"

"The whole time, that door squeaks."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Didn't really care. Now either get in the shower or leave."

"I need to pee."

"There's a toilet right there." He says nodding his head towards it.

"I'm pee shy."

"If you don't want to be in here for god sake just say it."

"No no, it's not that, I'm extremely pee shy, you know that thing like girls always bring their friends to the bathroom. Never, I never brought someone to the bathroom with me, and I rarely ever went with someone, just cause it made me feel weird listening to them pee. I'm going to go to the one in down stairs then I'll be right back up, I promise."

"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear."

"Then get over here and pinky swear with me." he says, I walk over to the glass and he slides it open extending his pinky out towards me.

"Promise?" He says curling his pinky around mine.

"Promise." I say before stepping back and practically running to the bathroom down stairs.

^Authors note 

Sorry for the short chapters!! ~lots of love

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