Chapter thirty nine Carmella

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To the person, to whom I dedicated this to:

I know this isn't exactly the idea you came up with but in a way, it sort of is, because I did take it into consideration while writing this chapter.

~Lots of Love, Bridge<3


To those who have been reading this for a while, I made a change to a chapter that will affect this chapter so it won't make sense to you. Down below is the change I made to chapter 22. If you don't remember what happened in 22 I will add a recap, if you do, then skip the recap.

Recap: Carmella and Royal had just had the car scene when he fingered her in the backseat. Now they are up and walking towards town because he got them lost on a dead-end road with no phones. This is also after he called her a heartless bitch which is the change I made that will affect this chapter. So now is the moment of truth, the change I made to chapter 22.


"I'm sorry." He says just as I say. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"I have everything to apologize for. I shouldn't have had a full-blown panic attack over you calling me a heartless bitch."

"It's completely fine, I should never have even called you that."

"No, it's not 'completely fine'. I feel as though I should explain to you what happened."

"You don't need to explain anything."

"I'm sort of asexual, well, I honestly don't know I guess. I don't like the idea of sex or making out, but with you and I guess a few people in the past I have. No one in my family understood that. So they'd call me a 'heartless bitch' like it was funny. I liked talking to boys, liked the talking stage but not the whole dating stage, Charlie would always rat me out to our entire family if I was talking to someone. But I have this weird thing that once I get to know someone and I know everything there is to know about them. I see them as boring and become uninterested.

So that would always happen and then I'd see my family and they'd ask how whoever the person I was talking to last time we'd talk was and I'd say I wasn't talking to them anymore and Charlie would tell them about the latest person I was talking to and they'd feel back for the last person I talked and call me a 'heartless bitch." I say finally looking at him. From the look in his eyes, he knows I'm lying. It's not a complete lie, I was or am, I don't know, asexual. But that's not where 'heartless bitch' comes from.

Author note(IMPORTANT):

I know this still doesn't make much sense, but it's a lot better than the other way this was worded/the other idea. I know you wouldn't know she was asexual and I am truly sorry if I miss represented asexuals. Her character doesn't revolve around her sexuality. And she doesn't know if she's asexual that's just what she labeled herself because she didn't like anything intimate it truly depended on who it was, which is why it wasn't noticeable that she was or is asexual.


"Mella, can you go inside and grab the chip on the counter?" My mom hollers, organizing the table.

"Sure." I smile. "I'll be right back," I say kissing Royal on the cheek. I get up and go towards the cottage. As I reach the top of the hill, Kelsey and Tommy pull in. Neither are very attractive or well, attractive at all. Kel has horribly damaged hair, a nose ring on her left side, and the start of an arm sleeve on her right. And don't even get me started on Tom. Receded hairline at its finest, a bad dad bod, and a few tats on his arms. He and Kel are smokers, Tom is an alcoholic. Then there's Samson who comes tumbling out of the car. He's larger, on the verge of obesity if I had to guess, and wears glasses, I think he lives in their basement.

Kel likes to think we're all buddy-buddy. Calls herself Auntie Kel. But if you haven't noticed she's not much of an Aunt, and never has been. 

I go into the cottage and sit down at the table to give myself a break before I have to go sit down with my family. As soon as I sit down, I start to cry and I don't know why maybe I feel bad. Not feel bad, but in some way, I feel left out, like an outsider looking in on this family, that I'm not sure if I want to be a part of or not. 

I hadn't heard the door open.

"Well if it isn't the bitch of this family," Tom says with a cigarette between his lips.

"Well, if it isn't the dumbass bum of this family." I whip away any falling tears. I never had much confidence when I was younger, I always just kept my mouth shut and my head down. But now I'm older, I've seen the world and how it mistreats you if you are a shy and quiet girl.

"You little bitch, don't talk to your superior like that." He always called himself that, my superior, like I was lower than him, worthless.

"You think your so much better Tom, need I remind you that you live in the garage of your parent's house," I say with a smirk. I get up from the table and grab the chips my mom asked for. I walk past him, breathing in his God-awful scent of smoke, alcohol, and bad cologne. 

"You little bitch!" He hollers grabbing my arm and throwing me back against the counter. Shit, that hurt. Pain lasing up my back, into my legs.

"You listen here, your nothing but a worthless heartless bitch of a slut who likes sucking boys' dicks off and leaving them!" He barks.

"Yeah, and you're nothing but a homophobic, psychologically messed up piece of a little boy."

He slaps my face as he squeezes my boobs.

"You think you're so tuff now, let's see." He says with a wicked smirk on his face.

"You're not the big scary monster that I thought you were. You're an insecure little boy who never got taught how to treat a woman with respect." With that, he punched me. "You dickhead, I'm not a kid anymore, you touch me again and I will rain hellfire down on you."

"All bark no bite." He snaps.

"She might not have a bite but I sure as hell do, back the fuck off!" Royal says from behind him. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Tom spits. Craning his head around to size Royal up.

"Carmella's boyfriend." Royal's jaw ticks, like a bomb about to burst.

"Another dick to suck right?" he says smiling at me, he turns back to Royal. "Why don't you join me then, I bet you have tons of dirty fantasies about watching another man fuck her." In a flash Royal punches him, sending him across the small room, he catches himself on the other counter.

"You sick fucker." Royal grits out. He hits Tom with a right hook forcing him to protect his face and leaving his abdomen up for hits, Royal takes the opportunity to hit making Tom double over. Royal takes Tom's head and nails it into his lifted knee. Blood immediately starts flowing out of Tom's nose.

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