Chapter twenty one Royal

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I'm on fucking cloud nine.

I trail a hand down Carmels body, touching and feeling.

"You look so damn sexy." I whisper in her ear

"We're on a road." She says as if just realizing it.

"Yes we are."

"We can't do this, what if someone sees?" She says panic filling her eyes.

"We'll be fine, no one ever goes on this road. I might have made you pull onto a dead end road. That's literally dead, no one lives on it."

"Did you intend for this to happen?"

"One of my many hopes and dreams." I say bringing my other hand under her chin and angling her head up to kiss her. My hand slowly falls from her chin onto her neck lightly applying pressure.

"Is this ok?" I ask.

"Mhm." she hums.

"Stand up and take your pants off please." She gets up slowly and shimmys her hips out of the jeans. She's wearing a simple white thong.

"Shirt too." She slips out of the shirt and she's wearing a matching bralette to the thong. She comes back but doesn't sit the same way. This time she sits facing me, her pussy right over my throbbing cock.

"Please?" she says moving her hips back and forth lightly.

"We're not having sex tonight Apple."

"Why not?" She pouts.

"Becasue when we do it for the first time it's not going to be a quick fuck in the back seat of this car. Now sit with your back to me." She turns around scooting her ass up right against me then leaning back into me. I again cup under her knee and spread her legs wide apart.

"You're so goddamn pretty it leaves me at a loss of words sometimes and you don't even realize it." I say lifting her face to kiss her. I overlap my leg with hers so it can't move. Kneading her left breast slowly. Then giving the same attention to the other. She arches her back off of me, slowly moaning into my mouth. I take my hand away from her throat and make a line going between her tits all the way down till I brush over her clit, making her jolt.

"Sensitive uh?" She tries to mumble a response but it's inaudible. I gently swipe my finger back and forth over the little bundle of nerves. Her breathing picks up.

"Going to come for me already?" I move her panties to the side and plunge a finger inside of her tight vagina.

"Fuck Apple, your so damn tight. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're a virgin."

She lets out a little whimper as I begin to finger her faster. I feel her muscles tense as she clamps down on my fingers.

"Good girl, come for me." I praise.

"Fuck." She moans spasming as she rides out her orgasam. 

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