Epilogue Carmella

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My aunts gave Royal and I the cottage, they decided it was time for them to let go of it and give it to the next generation. We went back to New York and packed out bags, said goodbye to all the people in town that I'd met and the ones who he knew. I got to meet Auntie Lo and spent most of the week we were there learning all about little Royal.

I've gotten closer to my family and my mom and I have a weekly call time, and so do Iris and I. Charlie and her got married for a second time just so I could have the honor of being there. I was her maid of honor as was she in mine.


Now we're back, settled into our house on the lake. Wave curled up with us as we watch the stars from the dock. Our son Rogue, fast asleep in my husbands' arms. 

"Did I ever tell you what Apple met?" He says his voice hushed.

"Yeah, Carmel Apple." I smile.

"No, that's what it met to you." He lets out a small laugh.

"Then what did it mean to you?" I ask turning towards him.

"You know the song Home that goes like 'man oh man you're my best friend I scream into the nothingness'." He sings the lyrics softly.

"Yeah what about it?"

"There's a line that goes 'Well holy moly me oh my you're the apple of my eye' hence the name apple."

Authors note:

Royal and Carmellas' kid is named Rogue Sterling Temples and a few years later Carmel got pregnant again and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Starlie Rose Temples.

Well, I guess that's a wrap y'all. 

I love each and every one of you who comes across this book. I'm sorry if you don't like the ending, take it up with my depression.  

I just want this story to be done and over with so I can leave it in the past where it desperately needs to be. Even now where it wasn't even a year ago, my writing level has improved a lot and reading this just makes me cringe to an absurd amount. 

Also, I am deeply sorry if any of you came from my tiktok, I know I promised some scenes that well are definitely not in this book. I don't know if I can express how sorry I am. Just try not to hate me please🙏.

I love writing and I hope some of you will continue to read my work. If I ever post any more stories.

I hope you all the very best in life,

~Lots of Love, Bridge<3

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