Chapter twenty nine Carmella

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You know, I never really learned how to cook. Like I can barely make eggs that how bad I suck at cooking. I really just rely on Clara and E to hopefully pity me enough to make me something. I can bake, which is surprising. . .

He was right, this couch is so fucking uncomfortable. I was almost asleep when I heard footsteps coming towards me. My parents were those parents who would take your phone at night and put it in their room. So obviously I have some expert skills in fake sleeping. He picks me up like a dad would, when you had fallen asleep on the couch watching Tv. Thinking you could stay up late, but ultimately falling asleep.

"Shhh, please stay asleep Apple." Royal hushes as I slightly move my head. He carries me up the stairs and lays me down in the softest bed that I instantly sink into. He places something over my right hand that I realize is my little blanket and then puts the other blanket over me. He kisses me on the forehead then hovers there for a second.

"What are you doing to me, my kryptonite?" He whispers before standing. He starts to walk away and before I even realize what I'm doing I reach for his hand.

"Stay please." I say in a hushed voice "I'll feel bad stealing your comfy bed, plus your couch sucks." I don't know why I said it, but I had and the words were out floating around aimlessly. He stood there for a second. I assume he was looking at me, but I honestly couldn't tell. I heard him take a deep breath then let it out slowly. He walks towards me again, this time placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Good night Carmella." He murmurs against my skin before turning and leaving. 

*Authors life

Ya'll, I literally feel so bad. Ok so I was on tiktok right, and I found this account so I clicked on it and started liking some of the videos and adding them to my favorites for edit inspo you know, doing my own little thing. So I ended up following them. And they had a thing on their story so I click on it, btw the liking stuff was yesterday. And so this person had screenshotted the likes and then caption was like 'please don't do this, it doesn't help, it just gets me shadowed'. And I was like No, that icon is mine*Insert crying emoji*. And I just felt so bad, because I didn't even realize I was doing anything bad.

Aside from that, I'm sorry for the short chapters, it's been crazy. I have at least 70 pages of math a week, 2 quizzes and 1 test. Plus stuff from other subject, plus practice and games. So I really can only write on the weekends if I'm not busy. I've definitely seen the decline in readers due to my lack of post often, which kind of sucks. So I'll try to post more throughout the week.

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