Chapter eighteen Carmella

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I know I know, you guys are probably thinking my friends are crazy and, they are to an extent. Would they have killed Royal if he actually did something? Absolutely. So by definition yes they're crazy, but they're the best people to have on your side in a fight.

You guys are also probably wondering why I freaked out last night but that's a story for another time.

"I can't believe he said that." E says scooping ice cream into her mouth.

"Like who the fuck does he think he is?" Ocean adds.

"Dumbass." Clara says. Were all cuddled up on the couch. E in my lap Clara and Ocean on my sides and Rena on the ground in front of me. It's a rainy day so it's not like we're missing anything outside by having a movie marathon of Teen beach, High School Musical, and Camp Rock.

Half way through the third movie of the day the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Clara says. She gets up and walks down the hall to the door. She comes back a few minutes later holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. Purples and blues, whites and yellows, pinks and reds. It's utterly gorgeous.

"Here you go babe." Clara says handing me the flowers. I look at all the different colors getting memorized by them. And that's when I see a little carded tucked way into the stems.

Dear Carmella,

I know I made a mistake last night, I am well aware of that. I would like to formally apologize. I do not believe that you are what I said last night. You are quite the opposite actually. In the time I've known you, which is a whole six days I think. I haven't even seen you hurt a fly. You are like a ray of sunshine, always smiling or laughing. And entirely entrancing. I think we could be really good friends. If you're still up to it.

With all my love, Roy

"Read." I say handing the paper to E. They all take turns reading it, now it's time to discuss.

"That was really freaking sweet." Rena says first.

"Yeah but we can't just forget about what he said last night."

"No but I'm not as mad at him."

"Still pissed." I chime.

"Come on, we are not doing this. We all know how you get when you put your foot down. I think he's genuinely a nice person and he just messed up."

"Yeah yeah yeah. But I can just crawl back to him already. I want him to grovel for a bit."

"Playing hard to get?"

"No but he must learn that actions have consequences."

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