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Hey bugs, sorry to disrupt your reading but heres a sneak peak at something else I just started.

Teaser for my new book

It will be named:
The Family Experiment
A few chapters have already been posted

Synopsis: Weston- Ever since that day, I have done all I can to keep Amelie Oak away from me while still watching over her. She was my best friend and everything in between. I will never let her get away from me, but for now I lay in the shadows with her thinking I hate her. But what total nonsense that is.

Amelie- I used to think that maybe one day we'd get married and have kids, I mean it's what our moms filled my head with from a young age. But then that day happened and he changed all of a sudden. He broke me into a million pieces and left me with the mess. I know I should hate him, but I don't. Not even a little bit, though I can try to and I can make it damn believable.Looks like the teachers playing match maker as he pairs the unlikely two of Weston and Amelie on a test called 'the family experiment'. They have to coparent a doll for one month until the class is over.

Will friendship rekindle? Will Weston tell her why? Will love spark again? Or will Weston get pull away again and their story ends?Read to find out!!!!

Lead characters are
Male: Weston Myers
Female: Amelie Oak

This is from chapter eleven


His pov-

"So, how do you know Amelie again? I've heard you sometimes ask girls questions about her. But I've never really known why."

"Why are you all of a sudden curious?" I said, eyeing him from the side of my eye.

"I don't know, I guess I sort of feel protective over her, kind of like a little sister."

"Have you ever even spoken a word to her?"

"Yeah, she comes by Nashs a lot while I'm there. And you know Mila talks about her a lot."

"She doesn't need you protecting her. I've got it under control."

"You sure about that, Wessy? You look like a deranged man every time she steps near."

"Shut up Bentley and get out of here." I said unlocking my door. I went to slam it in his face but he swung it back open.

"What do you want Bentley?"

"For you to smarten the fuck up and stay away from her."

"Last time I checked, she wasn't yours Bentley."

"You're right Weston but she also isn't yours."

"Don't get it twisted Bentley. She has been mine since the very day she breathed her first breath and my mom laid me next to her. Mine. Not yours. Even if she doesn't know it yet, or hell, even want it. But she is mine until the day I take my last breath. I will never let another man touch her skin. I will love her from afar but one day you have my word, I will take her as my wife, and no one will stop me."

"You are delusional Weston Myers."

"And you need to fucking leave Bentley Reid."

Bentley left without another word.----

Hey bugs! I hope you enjoyed the teaser, this story will be a high school romance. I have fallen in love with this story. My best friend and I sit in class all day long and 'talk book' as we say. She has allowed me to run SO many ideas by her and I truly thank her for that.

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