Chapter thirty Royal

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 In third grade I stole the class pet. It was a Pacman frog, and I absolutely loved frogs. His name was Greg, ugly little thing though, this one was yellow.

There were ten minutes left in the day. Milo, Cole, and I all huddled around the small glass tank acting as if we were saying goodbye to him. When in reality we were switching him out with a fake rubber frog. I slipped him into my jacket pocket, and walked right past the teacher. Thankfully that day I hadn't had to ride the bus or that would have been a nightmare. Auntie Lo pulled up in her car and I hopped in. That's when Greg made a noise. Auntie Lo didn't seem to mind that I had stolen the class pet she just said 'so long as you had a good reason to do so, then I don't give a fuck.' I told her my reason and asked if it was a good enough reason to do something naughty. She asked me if I thought it was a good enough reason and so obviously I said yes. And then she asked me if other people would see it the same as she and I saw it. She said 'It doesn't matter if you think it's a good enough reason, It matters if you can convince other people to believe it's a good enough reason. If you can't convince someone, chances are, it wasn't a good enough reason.' From that point on, those sentences were what my entire life was ruled on. If I ever did something bad, I made an excuse and convinced other people that my lie was a good enough reason and I headly ever go in trouble.

My back hurts, my neck hurts, my goddamn knees hurt from my dumbass couch. I really need to invest in a comfy couch.

At this point fuck it, I'm pulling an all nighter. I get up and go outside to my porch swing and watch the sun slowly come up. The purples fading to pink then orange then finally yellow.

It's ten o'clock and no one is awake yet, and I really need to take a shower. But the only shower in the house is connected to my bedroom. So that means I'd have to go into my room and hopefully not wake Carmel up from her sleep. I feel gross, like someone just poured grease into my hair.

I can't stand it anymore, I'm taking a shower. I get up and make my way to my room. Carmella is still sound asleep buried under all my blankets. I get out a fresh outfit and go to my bathroom. I turn the hot water on and step into my rainfall style shower. As the water falls over me, I start to think about Carmella, and that leads to the night in the car. Then that leads to all the ways I'd love to fuck her. I hadn't realized it until I let out a soft moan that I'd started stroking my stiff cock thinking about Carmella.

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