Chapter five Carmella

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Author: Just a heads up if any of you are watching White Collar there is a spoiler about the TV show. I will tell you what part to skip but if your not watching just don't mind the skip.


I don't completely hate lobster but I by no means love it. There's only one part of the lobster I like and that's the leg. No, not the claws, the legs. The legs have just the right amount of meat in them. Not too much, not too little. I once tried a big piece of lobster and about threw up. It was squishy and the texture was horrendous. And that's when I decided I liked the legs and I was ok with that.

My period started yesterday and it's killing me. On the first day of my period I'm always in the worst pain ever. I swear if cramps could kill I would have been dead a long time ago. I'm a stubborn ass and hate taking medicine so I usually wait until I'm quite literally about to burst into tears. Till I take pain killers.


It's already 1:00 p.m. and I have yet to get up well except to go to the bathroom. I've spent the entire day reading and annotating Every Summer After by Carley Fortune. Their friendship is freaking adorable. I haven't touched my phone so when I pick it up I'm not surprised there are over twenty texts though they are not who I was expecting them to be from.


Unknown number: Are you ok?


Unknown number: Carmella? You alive?

Unknown number: Are you hurt?


*five missed calls from unknown number*

Unknown number: Oh shit, you don't even know who this is. Hey, it's Royal. I kinda stalked your Facebook and found your number you gave to someone who asked in your comment. Which I mean kind of a dumb move if you ask me. Please answer me.

Unknown number: If I were to use my key to open the door would that be breaking and entering I mean, it is my cottage or is it yours because you're renting it?


Unknown number: We're not gonna do that, I don't need to go to jail.

Unknown number: Could you please answer me. If you're ignoring me on purpose could you please just send an exclamation mark or something so I know you're not dead in there.


Unknown number: Carmella please answer me.


Unknown number: For the love of sweet baby Jesus could you pretty please with a cherry on top answer your phone.


*Seven missed calls from unknown number*


Unknown number: Carmel please just answer.

Unknown number: I might start throwing rocks at your window.

Unknown number: Trash that windows are expensive. I don't need to pay for those.


Unknown number: You've been inside all day you sure you're not dead?

Unknown number: Oh god, you probably are and now you're stinking up my house. Thanks.

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