Chapter seventeen Eden

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 I swear this boy is about to get his nonexistent heart ripped out.

"Please tell me she's ok." Royal says standing up.

"Sit your ass back down and tell us what the fuck happened." Ocean says.

"We were talking on the beach." He starts.

"Bitch we don't fucking care that you were 'talking on the beach'. Tell us what the fuck made her cry." I bite back.

"Like I said." He says through clenched teeth.

"We were talking on the beach about my dad and she started saying stuff she had no idea what she was talking about and I snapped at her. Trust me, you don't have to beat me up. I already hate myself for it."

"Oh boo hoo you big baby! We don't care about you or your family problems. Get to the point."

"I already got to the point!" He hollers slouching down into the couch.

"¡Pero no lo hiciste!" Rena hollers back.

"English please!"

"But you didn't dumbass!"

"Everyone shut up!" Clara hollers louder than all of us.

"If we're going to keep hollering at each other, can we please go outside? Carmel is sleeping."

"We're not going to holler any more, it's not getting us anywhere." I say as calmly as I can.

"Royal could you please tell us what you said so we can assess whether to kill or not to kill."

"To kill or not to kill?"

"Yes, now speak before we kill you for the hell of it!"

"Fine! I called her heartless bitch! You happy?"

Shit, shitshitshitshitshit.

"Get the fuck out right now." Rena says pointing at the door.

"Can some-"

"Out!" Clara hollers.

"No! Can someone tell me what the fuck happened?!"

"You called her a heartless bitch! That's what happened."

"Yes I understand what I said was wrong but it wouldn't make someone have a panic attack over."

"It's not our place to share. You just triggered a bad memory." Clara says calmly.

"Now get the fuck out." Ocean states.

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