Vol. 5: Chapter 17.1 - Pawn

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Kikyou and I got back for the second half of the event along with Ryuuko. After we said goodbye, they went on to meet with their friends. I, then, found Hirata with Yukimura and Matsushita. Trouble seems to have been averted, but some damage was still done.

"We're substituting Sakura-san for the Scavenger hunt... Horikita-san will be absent for the rest of the competitions, too..."

"Class A is too behind... but on the bright side, Red Team is winning the overall competition."

They were discussing the current state of the sports festival, and it seemed like things wouldn't get any better.


Matsushita was the first one to notice me. She looked relieved, but her smile didn't last long,

"How's the situation?" I asked.

"It doesn't seem like there's a good solution for everything," answered Hirata.

"Ayanokouji, we need your help. If anyone can get us out of this situation, it'd be you." Yukimura stepped forward and faced me.

"I can't do anything. Based on what I've heard from Kikyou and the others, there's no chance for us to overtake any class at this point."

"Is that... really the case?"

Yukimura had a pained expression after hearing my honest evaluation.

"Yeah..." I shrugged. "And also, I want to make another thing clear. Even if a solution did exist, I wouldn't bother trying to find out what that is. Well, unless I want to."

"What?" He turned to me, his eyes narrowed.

"I'm no longer the leader. I'm done with stuff like that. We've talked about this before, remember?"

"But you're still part of the class, right? You should contribute-"

"I don't mean to be rude, Yukimura-kun, but I don't think you're in any position to say that to Ayanokouji-kun."

Matsushita's words made him stop. He looked down in frustration, but after a brief moment of silence, Yukimura finally continued speaking in a more collected tone.

"I know what you mean, but I'm doing my best on every front as much as possible, even in sports where I'm basically dead weight. I totally respect Ayanokouji's contribution right now-- excelling both in academics and sports, but he can do so much more, right?"

"If you're talking about thinking up strategies and decisions like how we're doing right now, then wouldn't Ayanokouji-kun's decision to step down amount to nothing?"

Yukimura's question was most likely rooted in my own lack of transparency. He was smart, so I expected someone like him to make a statement regarding my position sometime in the future. I admit that my motivations for stepping down were glazed with half-truths, but...

"Can you get real with me for a second, Ayanokouji? If I'm wrong, I'll bow my head and apologize, but I don't think someone as smart and level-headed as you would succumb to pressure this early into the year. Coming up with strategies to beat the other classes, making defensive measures to protect our classmates-- You can still do all of that even though you're not our leader anymore, can't you?"

"Do all of that, huh?" I sighed. "You're right, Yukimura. I stepped down from my previous position precisely because I didn't want to 'do all of that' anymore. That's all."

"So it's the truth, after all. It's not the duress or the mental burden of being the leader that made you step down. You just... didn't want to take on the responsibility anymore." Rather than looking upset, Yukimura's expression was that of relief.

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