Vol. 6: Chapter 13.4 - The Harsh Truth

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"The answer's obvious. We're saving Nene," Kikuchi's decisiveness made everyone gasp for air.

"Hey, Kikuchi! You can't just decide that!" barked Yamauchi.

"Hah? Of course, I can. Do you think this class won't choose Nene over a traitor?" he sighed.

"Let's do a vote to settle this once and for all," Horikita finally broke her silence. "Would that be alright with everyone?"

"That's more like it," said Kikuchi.

Horikita rode Kikuchi's momentous pace and immediately got to work. The two of them took the lead in moving this situation forward... while Hirata's gaze stayed down.

"Those who want to save Miyamoto-kun, please raise your hands."

Only four hands were raised, including Miyamoto. Just from this, the results were already obvious. Their group can't help but gnash their teeth in frustration.

"Those who want to save Mori-san, please raise your hands."

"Sorry... Miyamoto," said Onizuka.

"I'm so sorry, Soshi-kun..." Kikyou muttered.

As expected, most of the class voted for this decision, including me. However, someone didn't cast their vote at all. Everyone was surprised by this.


Saying that Hirata didn't look well would be an understatement, making him a cause for concern in our class. It's not that he didn't vote. It was more like he wasn't in the condition to vote at all. We weren't even sure if he was listening.

"Let's finish this up." Kikuchi's voice brought everyone back to the problem at hand. "Sensei, we'll save Nene for 20 million points."

"Does everyone agree on this?" Horikita rallied the class along with Kikuchi.

"Yes, save her."

"Save Nene-chan."

"I'd rather save Mori than Miyamoto."

Because of a majority vote, it was decided that Mori's expulsion would be reversed. 

"The school hasn't finalized its decision yet, so wait until tomorrow. We'll settle everything after the exam," Chabashira-sensei opened the door and walked away.

"I'll report everything that's happened here. Miyamoto, prepare your things and get ready. You can depart as early as tomorrow noon," Sakagami-sensei left those parting words before following Chabashira-sensei out of the room.

Miyamoto's eyes were distant. His dry, raspy voice was evident ever since he came here, and the red marks around his eyes were slowly starting to become more apparent. I can only imagine how much he tried to struggle-- how much he tried to plead for his innocence.

"I understand, Sensei..."

However, he'd stopped clinging to hope.

But after looking at his eyes, it doesn't seem like he wants to give up in a normal fashion.

"Now then, I'd like to remind everyone that the final exam isn't over yet." Horikita raised her voice with a pair of claps. "It's extremely unfortunate, but we can't do anything about Miyamoto-kun's situation now..."

He wants to light a fire and burn this class down.

"Of course, because someone like me is just an afterthought, right?" Miyamoto scoffed.

"You know that's not what I'm trying to say, Miyamoto-kun."

"I know, I know. It's because I'm a traitor. You all agree, right? That's why you voted to save Mori!" His voice intensified as he addressed everyone inside the classroom.

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