•𝒮𝓉ℯ𝒻𝒶𝓃'𝓈 𝒷𝓇ℴ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇•

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''Crrrrrr' "Aghh, shut up," I tried to turn off my alarm clock, but I couldn't reach it, and when I did, it fell off my nightstand and broke. Great. I got up from my bed, took my fluffy purple slippers on and went downstairs for something to eat. As usual, I took just some cereals with milk. Then I brushed my teeth, took a shower and headed to school with El.

"Can you stop looking at each other like that? It's creepy," I whispered loud enough, so Elena and Stefan could hear me. They were looking at each other as if they hadn't seen each other in forever.

"Anything you would like to share with us, Georgie?" professor Tanner asked me. A smirk appeared on my face. "I was just telling Elena and Stefan like all of this is so interesting and they should keep paying an attention," I said mockingly. He looked at me furiously and then turned to look at Elena and Stefan, "Are we bothering you? Mr. Salvatore? Miss Gilbert?" Both of them just shook their heads to indicate no.

Elena wasn't really pleased about my comment in history class. But they had been looking at each other like if they were in some romantic film, so sweet, agh. It wasn't like I would be jealous of her that she had a boyfriend and I did not. I just didn't believe in a true love at all. It was probably because I had never had a normal relationship. Well I had had just one. With Tyler, and it had sucked. So yeah, nobody could blame me.


"So I was talking to Grams and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage created a bad paranormal activity," Bonnie was telling us, what her Grams had told her once again. It sounded interesting, but it could be hardly true.

"Yeah, and then you poured your Grams another shot and she told you about aliens," Caroline said sarcastically. "So then what?" she turned to Elena. She wanted to know what Elena had been doing with Stefan all night the previous day except talking. Stefan had visited late that night.

"So then nothing," El wanted to avoid the question. Of course, Caroline didn't believe her, "You and Stefan talked all night? GG!? I hope you will tell me."

"They were really just talking, Caroline. I don't know about what, I don't have a super natural hearing, but yeah, I heard them talking. Just talking!" I answered her bored, "Can you remind me why am I here?" I felt sorry for Elena. Caroline could be so annoying with this. But still my best friend. When you got to know her better, she was a really nice person. I knew her all my life. Just like Bonnie. Mainly because our moms had been friends too. She was a great friend; we always helped each other and had the best memories together.

"Okay, it's easy. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy, sex," Caroline stated.

"Profound," El rolled her eyes. She paused for a moment and then got up and said Caroline is right. I couldn't believe it. She really meant it. 

"Where are you going, El?" I yelled at her as I was getting near her after she left me, Care and Bonnie alone there.

"To Stefan's."

"I hope you don't want to do exactly... ammm... this..."

"No, don't worry." She sounded shocked that I even asked that.

"Fine then, because you know him just for a few days," I announced her in case she had forgotten that. "I'm going with you."

El rang on the doorbell, but nobody answered that. I wanted to knock, but when I was actually about to do it, the door opened. We went inside. "Stefan?" Elena called out.

I looked around the house. It was so big, like really huge, massive. The furniture looked so cool. It wasn't like other big, modern houses. It was better, older. Stefan's uncle had to be very rich.

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